HIMI - HIM and Ville Valo Italian Fanclub

Posts written by Baudelaire In Braille

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    Sandra Mittica is a model, photographer, Rovio's Producer but she can also take care of her and her boyfriend Ville Valo's garden:


    See more on Mittica Daily: www.facebook.com/mitticadaily
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    A Russian fan was visiting finland and she spent an hour walking around Ville's home, stalking him. This fan was taking pictures of Ville's backyard when Ville walked in with Sandra, and the Russian girl was still taking pictures.

    Sandra managed gently to send away the stalker.

    imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com

    Source: Fotki
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    imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com
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    Sandra Mittica Q&A with Burton, Mige, Linde, Gas 2001

    Q&A with Linde

    And Linde has answered our 4 questions:)See Manonia;)

    Thank you for the many wishes to Manna, Linde and the baby girl.
    Learn more about Linde, the new father and Daniel Lioneye the King of Rock N Roll.
    -Isn't it fantastic to get a baby?-Elina Auvinen
-I can�t even begin to describe how fantastic it is, its divine, its a miracle! I�m the happiest man on earth! And by the way, I want to thank everyone also on my behalf for all the presents and lovely e-mails sent to us.
    -How are Manna and the baby girl? - Baiba, Riga, Latvia
- They are both feeling very good. Manna is a bit tired occasionally but she is very happy of course, everything has gone so well. Little Olivia has an unbelievable appetite so she wakes us up every two hours during the night. She might be a bit small but she has a way of getting whatever she wants whenever she wants it.
    -Where you with your girlfriend when she gave birth? - Sonja
- Yes, I was. It was very important for me to be there. Everything was planned so that I would be able to do so. It was funny cause we were scheduled to have an appearance in Top Of The Pops on the 6th , and the show in Grosse Freiheit, Hamburg on the 8th of march, three and a half weeks before the due date so I thought it would be alright(little did I know!). She decided to come out on the 6th of march, so I flew to Hamburg on the 7th, just in time for the rehearsals. I had to skip the Top of the Pops but I think its quite understandable, don�t you?
    -What was it like for you when your daughter was born? - Spider, UK
- It was the most amazing thing that ever happened to me. The labor itself went very smoothly, it didn�t take too long and there weren�t any complications but there were moments when I felt totally helpless and scared to death. It is said that giving birth is as consuming physically as it is to run a marathon, plus there is all the unbearable pain. So compared to Manna it was pretty easy for me. When the baby finally came out, I fell in love with her the first second I saw her.
    -How do you feel about being a father now? - Lisa, USA + Katrin, Vienna
- So far everything has gone great. I�m very proud to be the father of such a beautiful little girl. I would do anything for her. I hope I�ll be able to be the perfect father for her.
    -How did you feel when you found out Manna was pregnant?-Jenny, UK
- I was thrilled, It�s an honor to have a baby with her. I was at Finnvox studios recording the Love Metal album when she called me and announced the news, I had troubles keeping my mouth shut, which is not something that happens very often.
    -How many children do you want? - Kim Yossa, Russia 
- At the moment I want to fully concentrate on this one.
    -What does the rest of the band think now that you're a daddy? - Mariko, Belgium
- They�ve all been very positive about it. Its the most natural thing after all and I guess they want me to be happy. I�m playing better too nowadays, fatherhood is really good for me!
    -Are you proficient in changing diapers? - Ingrid, Paris
- Yes, I�m the best there is. I�ve been practicing on my cousins.
    -What name have you given to your daughter and why did you choose it? - Samonia, Germany
- Her name Is Olivia. She looks like a little olive to me. Olivia has a very nice ring to it and its not too common, at least not in Finland.
    -Who will be the godparents of the baby? - Spirit of Flame, Ukraine
- A couple of our close friends, no one you would know.
    -Will you take the baby along on tour? - Lisette, Holland
- I don�t think she would enjoy herself on tour but I hope she will come and say hello to me every now and then. And I will fly home to see her every possible moment I can.
    -Why did you choose the guitar and what makes it so special for you? - Patricia, Portugal
- I didn�t really have a choice. When I first saw a guitar I just had to learn how to play it. It is a calling really. The guitar just looks and sounds very beautiful to me. It is a very natural way for me to express myself.
    -How old were you when you learned to play the guitar, and can you play any other instruments? - Josh
- I was 10 years old when I got my first guitar as a Christmas present from my parents. I started to take lessons immediately. I can play a little bit of drums and a little bit of bass.
    -What was your first guitar and who�s the best guitarist in your opinion? - Nadine
- My first guitar was an acoustic mini Landola. The world is full of great guitar players, its impossible to name only one. There is a list later on with some of my favorite players.
    -What is your favorite guitar? - Colin Moir
- Gibson SG is a guitar that I�ve been using mainly for many years now. I have gotten so used to it that it is hard to imagine playing anything else. It sounds and feels great. I am not a guitar collector and I don�t enjoy changing strings or polishing my guitars all the time like Gas does with his drums. I leave all that to our lovely guitar technician Martin.
    -Who are your guitar heroes and what was it about them that inspired you to become a guitar player? - Marissa Flores, USA
- When I was younger my absolute hero was Steve Vai. I used to listen a lot to the albums he did with the David Lee Roth Band and my favorites from his solo albums were Flexable and Passion & Warfare. I used to adore him to the point that when I finally saw him play live in Kulttuuritalo, Helsinki, I felt like a hysterical little girl trying not to faint or have a heart attack. I was obsessed. It wasn�t the technical side of his playing that did it for me(of course its nice to know that you can play more complicated stuff but I think its boring to be showing off all the time), it was more the scales he uses and the way he thinks about music and he also has the sort of charisma that for some reason appealed to me when I was at that delicate age. Now that I have gotten bored and old, most of his stuff sound too 80`s and American for my taste. Or does it? I don�t know, but I still visit his website pretty often and I know that he is a bee farmer these days and what could be more important than that? Jimi Hendrix is a genius and very talented musically. I don�t own many of his albums but I love to watch his concerts on video. I don�t mean the guitar burning stuff, I just like to watch him play and �sing�. It all comes out of him so naturally. I had nightmares for couple of weeks after I first saw his Woodstock performance as a kid. I guess that�s why I peed on the ruins of his house during a holiday in Essaouira, Morocco, as a revenge. John Bonham is a drummer but his playing has inspired me a lot and just to let you know, he is the best drummer in the whole world (right after Gas of course). The guitar player in the band is also quite alright. John Frusciante is one of my favorite players. I�m not a big fan of the Red Hot Chili Peppers but I really like his solo material, especially the first album. John Lee Hooker is great. He knows exactly how I feel. I never get bored of his music, he has a very beautiful voice and an understated but deeply touching approach on the guitar. Josh Homme is a very talented player with his own vision. One thing I also like about him is that he is not a performer, he is a guitar player (and a singer and a songwriter). Toni Iommi is excellent, he has a style that is very easy to recognize and he has influenced many guitar players including myself. Mighty Whitey has a great amount of street credibility and I envy him because he gets to play with Iggy.
    -What do you use for your guitar leads, what type of overdrive or effect you use to get that really dirty tone. It sounds like your amp is about to explode! - Jason Piona, Atlanta
- I�ll take that as a compliment but I don�t know if I should reveal things like this. No, I won�t tell you.
    -I know you use the Gibson Sg Standard in concerts, but I don't know the pedals, the sound. Which pedals do you use? - Carlos Portella, Barcelona + Weezer124
- Well, if you know that much already, I�ll share it with you if you promise you won�t rip me off. Or what the hell, just go ahead. I have two Laney VH 100 R heads with two 4x12 cabinets which are both distorted and on simultaneously. The other has the nearly legendary Fulltone Octafuzz pedal on all the time except during the clean sound of course. This is the essence( [ezns] ) of my sound really. It sounds a bit like there would be two guitar players in the band but its much more cheaper and easier to get along with. The pedal board designed by Martin & Pasi consists of a Dunlop bass wah pedal, an octaver, a green thingy I got from N.Y.(a fuzz), a tremolo and various other spices for the clean sound and a tuner. The fuzz pedals on the board vary a lot,(except for the Octafuzz)I change them every now and then when I get bored. We share a huge collection of them with Mige and they all sound like shit.
    -Why an SG and not a Les Paul? - Sergio Ramirez Mendoza
- Because an SG sounds better, looks better, and is even cheaper.
    -How to tune Linde's guitar? It?s a problem for me. Is it H,E,A,D,G,H or H,A,D,G,H,e? - Ondrej Novak
- If it makes you feel any better, it�s a problem for me too. Not so much anymore but it used to be H,E,A,D,F#,H and it was pretty hard to keep in tune. The light indicators of my tuner used to haunt me in my sleep. Now that I have switched back to the standard tuning E,A,D,G,H,E, my life is much less stressful. And after all, nothing sounds more beautiful than a guitar slightly out of tune.
    -Do you use a plectrum or do you play with a "free hand"? - Pat
- I use a pick except on some special parts like for example the intro of Fortress of tears on the new album.
    -How many guitars do you own and do they have names? - Lioneye fan
- I have three SGs that are still in one piece and a couple of broken ones, a double neck SG, a Gibson flying V(that used to belong to Andy Mc Coy and Ville desperately tries to buy from me), a semi acoustic Hofner, a twelve string acoustic Hagstrom and a Charvel 475. The SG that I use in the Funeral of hearts video is named Kyyla by Ville for some strange reason.
    -How long have you played guitar and how did you progress through your first years? - HS, UK
- I started when I was ten, so its 16 years now. When I started I was so enthusiastic that I developed pretty fast. I was lucky to have a couple of very good teachers. Since then the obsessive need to practice has diminished a bit and it has left me time to concentrate on the more essential things in life like eating crisps and watching the telly.
    -What would you suggest a newcomer in guitar playing to start with and which tabs do you recommend? - Sascha, Germany + Sjoera
- If you don�t know anything on the guitar you should find yourself an efficient teacher to get you started. I wouldn�t recommend any tabs because its much more useful to listen to music and try to pick something up from there.
    -What are the stickers on your guitar and why is Padre Pio on it? - Heavenly Rapture + Christof
- I don�t know who the fat man with a beard on my guitar is. Ville was on a holiday in Rome and kindly brought me these stickers from Vatican and placed them on my guitar. I finished the job by drawing moustache and some nice little glasses on him.
    -Is the guitar you're playing in the "Funeral of Hearts" video the same that Tony Iommi plays? (a Gibson) - Daniel69
- Yes it is the same model, a Gibson SG.
    -How much do you practice a day? - Lynda Budapest
- It depends. There are weeks that I don�t even touch the thing and some days I play more than 5 hours a day. Its important to be able to put your brains in the off position every once in a while.
    -Do you know that you are Laney approved? How do you feel about this and how do you feel about them putting your name wrong? - Jenny, UK
- I know that there is some sort of a mutual understanding going on with Laney but I haven�t signed any contracts yet. They make great sounding amplifiers and I�ve been very happy with them. According to the site there is a Daniel Lionel who is Laney approved. I wonder if that is me.
    -Which are your 3 favorite guitar solos (no HIM songs)? - Vixen, Spain
- It�s a hard job to pick only three but I�ll try. The first one that comes to my mind is a classic. The solo on �Stairway to Heaven� by Jimmy Page is legendary. The second one today shall be the solo on �For the Love of God� by Steve Vai, since I feel bad already for mocking his music earlier. When I was studying briefly in Berklee I had the chance to experience the mother of all guitar solos. It was performed by one of my teachers who is the best blues player I�ve heard to this day. Unfortunately I can�t remember his name.
    -What would you be doing if you weren't playing in any band? - Regina and Helmiina
- I would be the manager of a cat hotel.
    -What musical background did you have growing up (in your family)? - Lyris Youth
- No one in my family is involved with music in any way except by listening to it. My dad used to listen to Elvis a lot when I was little so I learned to appreciate his voice. He is at his best when he is just singing and not trying to impress people.
    -What is the best concert or festival you have ever been to, and what band was it? - Moa the Ander, Sweden + Raven, UK + Carly, England
- One of the best ever was definitely the1995 Phoenix festival in Stratford upon Avon. I was there with my two very close friends. We had been living in a bush in London for two months before that because we didn�t have any money so we were in the �right� state of mind before we even got to the place. The headliner was Iggy Pop surprise, surprise and a few years ago I even managed to find a videotape of the whole show. I can see myself in the audience and it is not a pretty sight, I used to be bald back then and life in the bush had taken it�s toll.
    -What�s your favorite album of all time? - Vany, Portugal 
- I would have to say �Naughty little doggie� by Iggy Pop.
    -What was the first record you bought and how old were you then? - Kirpich, Moscow
- I�m afraid this isn�t going to ring any bells for you. It was �Kankkarankka Ja Koko Muu Konkkaronkka� by one of my favorite finnish artist at that age, Mikko Alatalo. I was six.
    -What's your favorite song of Elvis Presley? - Nadya, Moscow
- I�m Leavin� .
    -What is your first musical memory? - Lisa, USA + Raven, UK + Sabine, Germany
- I remember vaguely my mother singing to me a beautiful song Sininen Uni , as a lullaby when I was only a few years old.
    -What's the worst aspect of the music industry? - Jess, USA
- I am personally not interested in any other area of the industry but playing my guitar. Luckily I�ve been able to concentrate almost entirely on that. At times it can be a bit frustrating listening to all the speculation going on every time we are trying to release an album. All the record company people from different countries have their own different opinions about everything. In my humble opinion they should let the artists do their job in peace and either release or not release the ready package.
    -Apart from Iggy Pop, what other artists do you listen to, and are you inspired by? - Love Raven, UK + Martin + Margreet, Netherlands
- I think there was a pretty long list of inspiring artists earlier on but I can always ad a few : Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Brian Eno, Neil Young, Johnny Cash, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Suede, Kyuss, Cathedral, Queens Of The Stone Age, Impaled Nazarene, Unida, Screaming Trees, Kingston Wall, The Skreppers, Peter Tosh, Zwan, Beck�s latest album, Mortiis, the latest from the Cardigans, �
    -What band/artist is the sort of odd one out in your music collection? - Ceridwen
- There is nothing too odd in my collection
    -In which band would you like to play if HIM didn't exist? - Marieke, Netherlands
- I think it would be very cool to play with Iggy Pop.
    -Why do you call yourself Linde, Lily Lazer and Daniel Lioneye? - Celina, Germany
- Linde has been my nickname since school. Lily Lazer is an old joke and an attempt to achieve the same level of brilliance as Gas Lipstick, but its not possible. Gas Lipstick is the coolest possible stage name. We also invented these funny Rastafarian names for us and mine was Daniel Lioneye. The only other name I remember was Patka`s and it was Ras Muhammed. It seemed funny at the time.
    -What is your favorite song in Love Metal? - Daniela Kano + Corso, Hungary + Jennifer, Germany + Chris Miller, USA
- Fortress of Tears.
    -In one or two words: What was the recording process of "Love Metal" like compared to the other ones? - Soren
- It was more natural, well rehearsed and more relaxed.
    -What�s the most unforgettable moment you've shared with the band? - Regina and Helmiina
- I have to say it was meeting Iggy Pop in the Comet awards few years ago. I was so nervous I thought I was going to die but I didn�t and I even got him to sign my Naughty Little Doggie vinyl. He also drew himself a Hitler moustache on the cover.
    -Which HIM songs do you like the most and why? - Margreet, Netherlands + Laura, Finland + Jennifer, Germany
- I really like the new album and I�m very proud of it. Circle Of Fear is a good one but all the others are brilliant. I get to play the songs a million times when we are on tour so for me the song has to survive through all the repetition so I don�t know what�s going to happen with the new ones yet. From the old ones my favorites are for example Your Sweet 666, Poison Girl and Our Diabolical Rapture.
    -How do you imagine yourself and the other guys in old age? - Kim Yossa, Russia
- I hope we are all still alive and happy. I don�t know about the others but I know I will definitely look like Montgomery Burns from the Simpsons.
    -What are your memories of your first recording? - Daniela Ditchkova
- It must have been the first demo we did with my first band Aurora. Funny thing but I can�t remember a single thing about that session.
    -What H.I.M song do you enjoy playing and what solo do you enjoy playing? - Mark Morris
- At the moment its Fortress of Tears and the solo in the song is also a pretty cool one.
    -What's your favorite HIM video? - Ingrid, Estonia
- Definitely the �Buried Alive By Love� wideo by Bam.
    -What do you do to warm up before every show? - Ray Calderon
- We used to listen to all sorts of inspiring music before the show but someone has stolen our device so these days its just silence and frequent visits to the toilet. I always do some warm up exercises on my guitar and drink one liter of water before each show to avoid muscle cramps(this I learned from Gas and it actually works). All the water has to be finished an hour before showtime, otherwise I have to urinate during the show and its not always easy to arrange. This has happened a couple of times though. If I�m feeling really reckless and wild(and I usually am) I�ll have one or two shots of Jagermeister.
    -What song do you think is the best cover song that you guys do and which song would you like to cover on stage? - Jason, USA + Sammek, Germany + Daniel69
- In my opinion the best one we�ve done so far is Poison Heart by the Ramones, it involves some personal memories for me but I think we have enough songs of our own now that we�ve done four albums so we should concentrate on them.
    -What's the craziest thing you've done with your bandmates? - Heli
- We�ve never done anything crazy, we are a bunch of boring old men.
    -What's your most memorable moment on stage? - Ihni, Sweden
- I don�t know why but I always remember the embarrassing moments best and let me tell you, there are loads. One of them was our first show in Germany during the Razorblade Romance tour. There was a spot on the stage floor which was wet and very slippery and I managed to fall over on it during the Wicked Game solo and I broke a string at the same time. It was the worst possible moment and I�m sure each and every one in the audience and at least Ville and Mige on stage noticed it because they were laughing their asses off and I was SO embarrassed. I don�t know how it is possible but when the show was over I had managed to fall in the same spot three times altogether and both Ville and Mige once. It was like the floor was trying to suck us in. It was frightening.
    -Is Mige a good kisser? - Daniela Kano
- Mige was a bit too rough for me and his beard was scratching my face. I�m a sensitive man, I have to be treated gently.
    -How do you spend your time in the tour bus and what music do you usually listen to? - Manonia, Russia + Kirpich, Moscow + Daniel Schuster, Germany
- I usually sleep a lot in the bus, I�m a very good sleeper, especially in the bus. I used to read Harry Potter books, that�s how I survived the last tour, actually. If the new Potter isn�t out before the tour starts I don�t know what�s going to happen to me(that was a cry for help). When the going got rough on the last tour we used to listen to Brian Eno�s Apollo album with Sad Mizee every night in the bus and hoped that someone from outer space would come and take us home. No one came.
    -What's the best thing about touring? And the worst? - Siri Nordborg Moller
- The best thing about touring is the hour and a half on stage every night. The worst part is being home sick.
    -What characters from literature would you compared the rest of the band to? - Psy, USA
- I don�t know much about literature but we are exactly like the family in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. Mige is Leatherface and the rest you�ll have to figure out yourself.
    -Why is your band's called Daniel Lioneye? Is it connected with the fact that your astrological sign is Lio and the fact that you like "Jack Daniels"? - Peter, Bulgaria
- If I remember correctly and I usually don�t, Daniel Lioneye is my funny Rastafarian name that we invented when we were sitting at our rehearsal room smoking pot many years ago and were supposed to practice for our forthcoming tour. I don�t have the slightest idea what facts it is connected with.
    -How did DLE start? Who got the idea, how did it all happen? - Ihni, Sweden
- After some HIM rehearsal me, Mige and Ville just started to jam on my catchy and groovy stoner riffs and realized that we are an excellent trio. We used to practice once a year and in two years time we were ready to go to the studio. The result was the album praised by the critics The King Of Rock N Roll.
    -Is there any chance to see a Daniel Lioneye gig again? - Evil from Sweden
- I guess it could be possible and fun as well but I don�t think so. I�d rather stay home and watch TV.
    -What was it like to create music as Daniel Lioneye that was so different from HIM? In your free time, do you write any music for just yourself? - Jess, USA
- It was completely different. There was absolutely no pressure what so ever. It was therapeutic to just let it all out and not think about the consequences. You shouldn�t take yourself too seriously. No I don�t really write any music at the moment but I do play around with the guitar pretty much and sometimes it even pleases my ear.
    -What�s your favorite DLE song? - Walo + Sandra
- I haven�t been listening to the album for about a year now but let�s say International Pussylover.
    -Will you have any other side projects in the near future? - Anna
- Apart from trying to be the best possible father to my beautiful baby girl, no.
    -What has been your most embarrassing moment? - Jenny, UK
- Its way too embarrassing to reveal in here.
    -You went to school briefly in Boston, how did you like the states? - Regina and Helmiina
- Yes, when I was 15, I went to the Berklee College of Music in Boston for one summer and during that episode, I learned more than I did in a couple of years time studying here in Finland. I was feeling a bit mentally unstable at that time but anyway I had a great time there. I think that the city of Boston is more European compared to the other cities that I have seen in the US. Whatever that means.
    -What was your favorite subject at school? - Vilma, Greece
- Music.
    -Are you driving a car? If so, of what brand and colour? - Geo, Luxembourg
- Maybe I shouldn�t but I do have a license. I don�t have a car of my own.
    -Would you ever shave your head a la Gas? - Naomi, England
- I�ve done it already.
    -What was the most stupid job you've ever done? - Kirpich, Moscow
- Probably selling toilet paper from door to door.
    -If you could choose, whom would you want to be? It does not matter if he/she/it is dead or alive... - Pat
- I�d like to be Bubbles, Michael Jackson�s pet monkey for a day.
    -Anything you would still like to achieve? - Spider, UK
- One of my long term goals is to learn to react in real time.
    -What was your childhood like and who had the biggest influence on you ( members of family and relatives ) through that time? - Niksa Protic
- I had a very happy childhood. I guess my mother was the one in my family who was telling the rest of us what to do.
    -Which is your favorite soundtrack and which ringtone have you got on your mobile? - 
Kasia, Poland The soundtrack of the movie Repo Man is pretty good or at least the title song is great. I don�t really answer my phone unless it�s a perfect moment and its someone I know so my phone is usually in the silent mode.
    -As a child did you like watching fairytales? Which one was your favorite? -
Lyonette, Slovakia I remember I liked the Babar books, except the one where Babar�s mother gets shot. How can they torture children with this kind of horror stories?
    -If you could be any character in a fairytale, who would you be and why? - Moa, Sweden
- Sinuhe the Egyptian.
    -Why do you say that Luxor is your favorite city and do you have some special interests about History? - Leia 
- I lied about Luxor, never even been there. I meant to go there during my trip to Egypt, but I ran out of time and only made it to Cairo. I�m very interested in the history of Egypt and I need to go back there soon. Sinuhe the Egyptian is my favorite book, by the way.
    -Do you like any sports? - Gaby, UK 
- I know its hard to believe but I try to go to the gym with the Sack as often as I can, I feel a lot better when I�m in a good shape. I don�t have any favorite sports apart from fishing maybe.
    -Are you a romantic person? Have you ever done some stupid, illogical thing for the one you love? - Katya, Russia 
- Yes I am but its getting a bit too personal again.
    -What is the best way for you to relax? - FunkyPig, Siberia 
- Chillin� with my family.
    -Are you a morning person or do you like to stay up late? - Moa, Sweden
- I�m a little bit of both and I also need a lot of sleep so I guess I should make up my mind.
    -Which alcoholic drink do you like best? - Lyonette, Slovakia
- It depends on the occasion. I haven�t been drinking heavily in a long, long time, it gets boring after a while but I still enjoy having a glass of red wine or a beer or even whisky every now and then. I�m just fed up being drunk all the time.
    -What�s your life motto? - Juliana, Estonia 
- I try not to take myself too seriously.
    -Which song do you wish to be played at your funeral and why? - Kirpich, Moscow
- I�m not there to hear it anyway so it doesn�t really matter does it? Or then again, there is this one song by Marduk that would really fit the occasion.
    -What is the worst thing you have ever been called by someone? - Moa, Sweden 
- When I was in the kindergarten, other kids use to tease me cause I had glasses. Poor me. They called me linssi, its Finnish for lens but I have gotten over it now. I hope.
    -What does the tattoo on your right upper arm mean, was it made especially for you? - Karo, Germany + Daniela Kano
- Yes, it was made especially for me but it doesn�t have any specific deeper meaning, its just an ornament. You should see the one I have in my left knee. That is as motherfuckin� deep as it can get.
    -How do you spend your free time and what are your passions? - Kirpich, Moscow
- I like traveling a lot and on the other hand I�m a home person. I like to spend time with the people I love.
    -When did you have a Funeral of Hearts? -
Karo, Germany
- It has gotten close many times but my heart is still very much alive.
    -Do you have a unrealized dream? - Rita Serra, Portugal
- I�d like to have a huge sailing boat one day.
    -What do you usually drink in the morning? - Manonia, Russia.
- A whole pot of strong espresso coffee.
    -If you could work with anyone dead or alive who would it be? - Lisa, USA
- It would be interesting to work with the dead. Especially with the old lady and the child who come to me at night.
    -Where would you like to travel? What's your favorite kind of traveling? -Fifi 
- There are still many places left for me to explore. I never want to plan things too much beforehand while traveling. Its important to travel in good company too.
    -Please, Linde, answer this question. I had argument with my friend for 100 dollars about it. Do you color your hair? - Tananda
- Ok, ok I will, just don�t waste your life arguing about my hair. I did bleach a few of my dreads couple of years ago. Hope you won your bet.
    -Where the moments in your life, when you wanted to be a girl? - Surup 
- No. But sometimes I do feel like a woman trapped in a man�s body.
    -What�s your favorite book and your favorite movie? - Poison girl, Lebanon
- My favorite book is Sinuhe the Egyptian and I really liked the Harry Potter movies so far.
    -What do you eat on your pizza? - Serpent Ride
- Tomato sauce and lots of cheese.
    -Who do you think you were in your former life? - Vodka
- I think I haven�t been incarnating on earth for a while, so enjoy because this is a special occasion.
    -Your favorite place for a holiday? - Vixen, Spain
- Nepal really impressed me.
    -What's the most exciting event you've ever experienced? - Fifi
- The birth of my daughter.
    -What was the most difficult moment of your life? - Atanaska Cholakova, Bulgaria
- The birth of my daughter.
    -Give three words with which you would define Finland and Finns. - Paula
- Sorry Paula but aren�t you being a bit too demanding here?. I could never define Finland or Finns in just three words. And the Finnish people I know are all pretty different so what can I do?
    -Do you believe in life after death? - Manonia, Russia 
- Some days more than others but I try not to leave anything for the next one. I mean what if it never comes?
    -Is there something you couldn?t live without? - Michelle, Slovakia 
- I agree with Sakki & Iggy. Everybody needs a real fucking home.
    -What did you want to become when you were young? - Ihni, Sweden + Kirpich, Moscow
- A musician.
    -When did you get your dreads? Who made them, how long did it take and what made you decide to do it? - Ihni, Sweden + Maria, Sweden + Maja, Croatia
- I�ve had dreads for three or four years now I guess. The condition of my hair did the decision for me, with a little help from Ville and Mige.
    -What languages do you speak?
- I don�t that much but when I do try to stutter something its either Finnish or English
    -Do you cook and what is your favorite meal? - Heavenly rapture
- I�m trying to learn. I just love to eat. A good meal is anything with a lot of grease and salt.
    -Have you ever heard about your Live Journal? - P.G., Russia
- Yes I have, and I think whoever is responsible for it should seek help fast.
    -Who is your favorite person from history? - Christina, USA
- Spede Pasanen, a famous Finnish comedian who passed away recently.
    -Do you like the cold Finnish weather? - Tacie Engel
- The winter is a bit too long, other than that its perfect.
    -What are the places in Helsinki you like? - Alexandra, Romania + Manonia, Russia + Michelle, Slovakia
- My favorite place in Helsinki is my home but if I have to go somewhere I will go to Seurasaari, Uunisaari, Pihlajasaari�for example, or just hang out in a cafe on the shore. In the winter it is better to stay at home.
    -What�s the best rumour you?ve ever heard about yourself? - Sabine, Germany
- Is there some rumors about me? I haven�t heard any.
    -Have you ever been arrested? - Sabine, Germany + Kirpich, Moscow
- Yes I have, twice. For drunk driving and burglary.
    -What�s your favorite joke? - Sabine, Germany + Starry-eyed baby
- I�m the worst joke teller in the world but there is enough comedy in my everyday life to keep me smiling. 
The Pivot questionnaire:
    -What's your favorite word? 
Athens (pronounced with a deep German accent : [aezens]
    -What's the word you hate? 
    -What's the sound you love? 
A purring cat.
    -What's the noise you hate? 
    -What turns you on? 
    -What turns you off? 
    -What's your favorite curse word? 
No on se nyt Saatana!
    -Who would be the woman or the man you'd choose to illustrate a new bank note? 
My daughter of course
    -What's the job you wouldn't have liked to have? 
A surgeon
    -What's the plant, the tree or the animal you would have liked to be reincarnated in? 
An elephant
    -Imagine God exists, what would you wish he would tell you after you died? 
Welcome my son, now let�s take a nap.

    Burton Q&A

    Hundreds of fans responded to our invitation to participate in a first interview with Burton, mailing their questions from all over the world, from places as far away as Brazil, Venezuela and Japan. Many questions concern the new album, but we are not going to go into that, to keep the excitement and anticipation building up.
    -When was the first time you found out that you were going to be a musician? - Christina G
- I was very young, my mother put me into piano lessons and when I graduated from school I started to do music. But, I'm lucky because I can do this.
    -How and when did you get into playing the keyboards? - Jessica
- I got into playing the keyboards when I was 5 or 6 years old.
    -Can you play anything else? - Brzoza
- Yes, I can play guitar, bass and drums, but just the basics.
    -What are your musical influences? - Siri
- My musical influences are mostly classical music and also Pink Floyd.
    -What did you think about HIM, before you joined the band! - Maria
- Well, I already knew the guys from before. Mige and I were together in school. It was funny and interesting to see the band's evolution, you know in the newspapers and all this stuff. And of course, I was happy because they "made it".
    -Why did you decide to join HIM?
- Well, the guys asked me to join them on a Scandinivian tour after Zoltan had left, it felt really easy and comfortable and so I joined the band.
    -How do you feel about the album recording?
- This time it's really nice because we brought our own stuff into the studio: carpets, posters etc to make it more homely. But some days it's really a pain in the ass because you're in the studio for hours and you end up with only a few minutes of recording. This is frustrating but it happens really seldom.
    -How much insight have you put into the new material, and how does it sound like? - Anthony Hammond
- I give my ideas to Ville. The keyboard sounds and some melodies are my major influence.
    -Can we expect more synth parts on the next album?
- Maybe a bit more...
    -Do you arrange the keyboard tracks yourself, or has Ville made it out beforehand? - Einar, Norway
- Ville has some stuff and I give him my ideas and we do it together.
    -How does the music reflect your own personal taste? - Teun van de Berg, Netherlands
- I like the "power of rock n roll". Of course I like the music because otherwise I wouldn't have joined the band, but of course there are some songs that I like less than others.
    -Which do you enjoy the most: composing, recording, or playing your songs live? - Sandra, Brazil
- Playing live - cause you get all this adrenaline.
    -Will there be more keyboard riffs on the new record, like in "Join Me" or "Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart"? - Stefan, Germany
- One of the new tracks has a piano riff which I really like.
    -Why did you take the nickname Emerson Burton? - Marina, Moscow
- Well, Burton because it's close to my last name, Puurtinen, the drummer of Suburban Tribe invented it. And Emerson is more of a joke.
    -What does your cowboy hat stand for and why do you always wear it on stage? 
- I think it's just cool. It comes from San Francisco.
    -What have you decorated your keyboard with?
- There's this Jack Nicholson sticker, and at one gig in Switzerland, we had a lot of spare time, so the guys drew all sorts of things on it. If think it's kind of ugly now.
    -What's your favorite HIM song and which one do you enjoy the most to play live? - Heidi Ekbom, Finland
- My favorite song is "Bury me deep inside your heart", it has beautiful melodies and nice verses. It's also my favorite to play live. I specially like that one point when Ville sings and I play in the background. It's a moody one.
    -Can you fulfill all your ideas in HIM or are you planning to do a side project? - Gita
- Yeah, I can fulfill my ideas pretty well. I've got no plans for now, but maybe one day I'll do my own solo thing, like a synth album.
    -Is there any gig that u remember specially for some reason? What reason would that be? - Korana, Croatia, Zagreb
- Probably Rock am Ring, because it was one of my first gigs in such a big place and also because we hadn't practiced a lot before the gig. We had like two or three practice hours and they were without Ville. We were at Mige's place with Linde and Gas was drumming on a table. At this time 
I felt pressure because at the same time I had job, I was studying and I had other band at the same time.
    -What have been your best and your worst moments you had with HIM so far? - Guess who
- The worst moment was probably on the last tour cause at one point we had a rough and tough time. At some point we were really pissed off but then the things settled down and that was the best moment. The band also grew because of this. Anyway, it was over quite fast.
    -What's the one thing that drives you crazy while you're on tour? - Netta, Poland
- Probably the hotel rooms, because it gets boring when you've got nothing else to do than to watch TV in your bed. Also when you can't sleep after a show.
    -Because you've got all this adrenaline?
- Exactly.
    -How often do you listen to your own songs?
- Never actually. After we've just released something I listen to it a couple of times and then never again.
    -Do you sometimes visit some of the websites about HIM? - Nina Werner
- Probably once every two months.
    -Have you got any favorite bands? What are they?
- Pink Floyd and Michael Jackson
    -What's your opinion of the Finnish music scene? Any bands which you would recommend? - Siri
- It's growing. 5 years ago it was very different because no one used to listen to songs in English, especially in the countryside. I'd recommend Suburban Tribe, of course.
    -Could you describe all the other guys, in one word? Each of them. - Maiju, Finland
Ville: complex. 
Mige: deep. 
Linde: quiet. 
Gas: kind.
    -What names did you consider changing into when you realized you had to change your name to come to America? - Garett
- The first time, I heard of the name HER was from Seppo, our manager, and Ville. But I'm pleased with it.
    -Who's your favorite actress? - Jana, Germany
- Emma Thompson.
    -What is the first thing you notice in a woman? - Klio, Greece
- I notice the whole set. I notice her presence, the overall impression she gives.
    -Do you cook? - Erina
- Yes, I've been working in a restaurant as a chef for two years, well two summers and one year.
I love it, it's a hobby kind of thing; a way to relax.
    -What vegetarian dish would you recommend Abigaili? 
- Onion soup.
    -What's your favorite dish?
- Pizza.
    -Just a plain Margarita?
- Yes.
    -What would you cook for me?
- I'd make you an onion soup, gratinated in the oven.
    -What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning? - Milena, Bulgaria 
- I brush my teeth.
    -You have 30 minutes before the end of the world. What would you do in the last half hour? 
- I would take a nap.
    -If the band got into a fight and fists started flying, who would emerge from the scrap with the least damage? - Vikki
- Me.
    -If you could have a super power of any kind, what would you wish for? - Spider
- I'd like to fly of course.
    -If you would have to move to another country, which country would you choose? - Monica, Venezuela
- Sweden, especially Stockholm which is one of my favorite cities.
    -If you had the chance to meet one person, no matter if dead or alive, who would it be? 
- Michael Jackson. I'm a big fan of his music.
    -What would you do if you would rule the world for one day?
- I'd give everybody a day off.
    -What would you bring with you to a desert island?
- An axe.
    -What tale did you like when you were a kid? - Rita, Portugal
- Lord of the Rings, but when I was kid it was H.C. Anderson's tales, the terrible ones like "The red shoes".
    -Who shot JFK? What do you think? - Moa the Ander
- I know, but I can not reveal it.
    -Why are you called Puppe and what does it mean? - Ihni
- It's just a nickname. There was this TV show in Finland with a character called Jean Pierre Kusela and his pianist was called Puppe. It was a comedy act.
    -If you had to compare your life now and back when you were not famous, what would you say are the biggest differences both emotionally and physically? - Spider 
- Physically nothing really, except that you get more tired when you're on tour. Emotionally I've got the stress sometimes, but no radical changes.
    -Jessica who's also playing the keys has a hard time practicing, so she wants to know what kept you motivated?
- When I was a kid, my mom made me a hand puppet called "Riku the piano dog". I had to play for him cause else he would have died, well not died but starved because he lived from the piano music.
    -Could you name 3 things you can not live without?
- I can always find a way to live.
    -What thing is worth knowing in Helsinki? .What places, galleries, pubs? - Sylwia, Poland
- Suomenlinna (fortress on an island near Helsinki) is a very nice and beautiful place in the summer. The house of Modern Arts is also very nice.
    -Have you ever had some solo keys/piano concerts? - Mumla
- When I was studying music I had to do some solo things but apart from this nothing special.
    -What would you do if you weren't a musician? - Sandra
- Maybe I'd be a chef.
    -Do you have another profession apart from musician? - Sophia Muller
- I have done a lot of things: I was a chef, a music teacher, I've also given piano lessons and I was also a stage technician at the Opera house.
    -Everything nowadays changes for better or for worse, what is the one thing you wouldn't want to change?
- The way the sun sets and rises.
    -Have you read the book Synnin Viemaa? If you did, what do you think of it? - Niina
- No, I haven't read it yet, but I read the manuscript. It gives a good picture of the band as it is today, if it would be written again in ten years it would be very different.
    -What languages do you speak? - Y.Henseler, Germany
- English and Swedish. I also studied French for three years at school but I can't speak it. I also understand a bit of German, the basic sentences.
    -What is the most fanatic thing a fan has done for you?
- I haven't met fans that were really fanatic yet. So far I had no problems with them.
    -What was your first piece of good advice in life? - Nicola, Birmingham
- Take it easy.
    -What kind of sports do you like?
- I like basketball, I also play it. Sumo wrestling and I like boxing too.
    -Have you got any pets?
- I have no pets, I love cats but unfortunately I'm allergic to them.
    -A question from Poland, do you believe in destiny?
- Yes, I do if someone would explain what it means.
    -Have you got any addictions?
- Cigarettes and coffee.
    -What do you do in your spear time, any hobbies? - Tina Einfeldt
- Cooking of course, also reading, playing basketball and chess.
    -Where would you like to travel?
- To Japan because of the cultural difference.
    -Why do you give so few interviews? - Mimi
- I've got no reasons to, Ville and Mige do most of them.
    -Are you typically Finnish and if so what are the characteristics of a typical Finn?
- I don't believe in typical Finns or typical Americans. You can't find the same things in every one from the same country, but I don't want to believe in it.
    -Do you have any tattoos? - Patrick
- No, I'm a tattoo virgin.
    -What does your family think about your musical career?
- My dad's glad and proud and my mother is kind of scared because mothers are always protective.
    -What changes have you made in your personal life that you are the most proud of? - Jenny, Mexico
- I stopped worrying too much and stopped biting my nails.
    -How would your ideal day look?
- It would be a day in the Finnish autumn, there's no snow but the leaves have already fallen from the trees, it's sunny and a little cold and I've got nothing particular to do. Here the fan's questions end, and we finish the interview with the famous Bernard Pivot's questionnaire:
    -What's your favorite word?
- Uni (sleep).
    -What's the word you hate?
- Paituli. It's a thing from the 80's that especially women used to wear; really long t-shirts that went to their ankles, they were really ugly. It's also an annoying word in Finnish.
    -What's the sound you love?
- Waves
    -What's the noise you hate?
- When the phone rings.
    -What's your favorite curse word?
- Saatana.
    -Who would be the woman or the man you'd choose to illustrate a new bank note?
- Our manager Seppo of course.
    -What's the job you wouldn't have liked to have?
- I wouldn't like to be a phone seller, I've done that once and it's really horrible.
    -What's the plant, the tree or the animal you would have liked to be reincarnated in?
- A tree, whatever kind.
    -Imagine God exists, what would you wish he would tell you after you died?
- Would you like to have some candy or shall we play some chess first?

    *Mige Q&A*

    An overwhelming number of fans sent their questions to Mige after the revelations in the "Synnin viemaa" book. Many wanted to know how Mige really deals with his personal hygiene, but lets not go too much into that…
    - When did you realize that you wanted to be a musician? 
-When I was 14 and saw some bushes burning in the desert...just kiddin of course..i was a lazy dope-smoking fat bastard, so I didn?t have SO many options to choose from.

-What made you play the bass?
-I felt sorry for the bass,since no-one else wanted to play it.This is actually true,bass is a very underestimated instrument.

- Can you play other instruments?
- I think I'm pretty talented with some oriental flutes and pipes.

- What was your first bass and what kinds of basses do you usually use?
-My pops bought me a Cort bass...kind of Steinberger copy. I broke it on stage while playing with my high school band "The Motherfuckers". Didn?t make a good show, but it wasn?t much of a bass either. I played those fancy Gibson t-birds for a while, but they sounded like shit so I had to give up. Now I use Fender Precisions, they are so good! Even the Fender logo is cool!!

-Why is your name Mige Amour? Who came up with that and why?
-My name is NOT Mige Amour!! It's….Sad Mizee!!I dunno where all those nicks come from..probably straight from hell. People usually call me Mige, and Burton calls me Sakki when he wants to hurt me.

-What's your first musical memory?(Elina Auvinen)
-I was at Finlandia Hall with my daddy-o, and I was playing with a drum kit, with hi-hat to be specific. I was pumping it fast,and pretended that it was some kinda machine. Pretty traumatic but I got over it.

-Do your instruments have a special sex? Did you give them names, and if so what are they?(Annekatrin,Германия)
-I try to keep sex and instruments separated. But my wild guess is that they?re usually males. Only one has a name: Vainamoinen[vaei-nae-moeinen]. Linde can draw only one thing, and I asked him to draw it on my dear bass..and unfortunately promised to name the instrument after the drawing. 

-What did you decorate your bass with?(Слава,Москва)
-With many, many things before..I burned them a little bit (funny, but basses don't catch fire as good as guitars!), put nice stickers on them, and painted them too. Nowadays, I like my pizzas and basses plain margaritas. 

-Do you have a certain person who plays the bass guitar you admire?
-I have to say I still love Geezer Butler from black Sabbath the most. he left so few things for others to figure out about playing bass in a rock band.

-What's your favorite song?(Juliana,Estonia)
-"Wind in the willows" from the cartoon "Wind in the willows".

-Which record do you put on, when you come home and just want to relax? And when you want to party?(Siri)
-I can?t remember last time I wanted to -literally- party..so lets say Neil Young's "Old Man"..when I REALLY want to relax, I put Brian Eno's "Thursday afternoon", and if I want things to go cosmic, "Apollo" from the same character

-Can you name the worst album title in the history?(Mika)
-I can make one up for you………Mizee Amyyyr: "the white trasher" I can promise you this would be the worst album in history as well.

-What music do you listen to these days, I mean is there any of these new bands you like?
-Rock music got a bit lame after 1974, probably because I was born..but I do like Monster Magnet very much..latest from Papa Roach wasn't bad either, and I like few songs from Live a lot.

-If you had never joined HIM, in which band would you like to be? (Sandra H.,Portugal)
-Oh..the parallel reality questions..brain no compute, godda take a nap…lets say some bayo-cajun-cousin-marriage-combo, playing the banjo while chewing red man tobacco and laughing.

-Have you ever written songs and if so, what do they sound like and are they ever going to be released?(Silke,Germany)
-I wrote a song once, with some slapn pop bass riff. After I realized what I had done, I've been stickin to humming and whistling. I tried to hum couple of times for our BMG a&r Asko Kallonen and Wolfgang Funk from Gun Records, but I don't think they understood I wanted them to release that stuff. 

-What's your ritual before a gig?Rita (Portugal).
-Have to be boring and say the pee thing. We?ve tried out some arousing rituals like playing hide-and-seek but they don?t really work so well. When we were tired and stressed on last tour we simulated the Jolo hostage situation, and slept an hour or two before the gig. Call it a hunch, but I think it has to be done again in the future.

-What have been your best moments during a gig and your worst moments? Flo.
-My momma told me a few months back: "Mikko(she calls me still Mikko, thank God almighty), you?ve been travellin so much that soon you?ll have to sit down and sort it out in your head, my son, or you?ll go crackers!". And now that I try to figure out good and bad moments, its suddenly oh so hard. Gigs and all, it?s just a big mess in my head!! So I guess my options are to start obeying momma, or peel off my skin and make her a jacket!!

-Is there a particular gig that you remember more than others?Rita Santos,Viseu-Portugal.
-Uh..I think I just answered that as well, dear Rita..(hihihi, my mommas name is Riitta, I'm starting to feel like being on a sofa, talking to a pro!!turbo cool!!!

-What is your favorite HIM song and which one do you like to play most live and why?
-I like all those dirty little lullabies. I think I'll enjoy playing live the opening track from the new one, Buried Alive by Love(which I will call "Rescue" till the day I die) 

-What's your biggest mistake while playing a gig?Ingrid,Estonia
-A little secret to share: one never makes mistakes while performing to other people. You just come up with a whole new perception how to play a song. It's pretty hard to adapt this way of seeing things, but it's very useful. The less you fear these mistakes that aren't really mistakes the better you can bring out THE thing you hear inside your head, without the disturbing sweat on your palms. Mind ya though about butterflies in the belly: It's not about being ignorant or bored with playing. There's a difference in being excited and being nervous. 

-What's the best about touring?
-I like moving around, it's pretty calming. Don't like hotels though, so I think I'll sleep in my container in the bus from now on. And if we manage to play only venues made for music, that's great. You can make a nice atmosphere in a sports place as well, but it takes a hell of a lot of energy. I like the way clubs feel, smell and look.

-Is there something you miss when you are touring outside of Finland, if so what is it?Simone,Germany
-I miss couple of people, ropottely(hard to translate), Fenris the dog, and salmiakki.

-What's your funniest memory traveling up and down Europe with HIM?Kylee IT
-I see I have to come up with something from the dusty memory banks…let's say coming across my girlfriend down there. Happened on the 11th moment as we say here in Finland.

-What bad habits do the other band members have? Spider, England
-We don't like snitches in the bus, so I can't answer. Would end up with concrete boots to the bottom of Rhine.

-Do you remember the first ever HIM gig, can you tell us about it?Kostas,Greece.
-First gig we ever played was in Club Teatro in Helsinki. My bro owned it and I was working there so we just went and supported a famous finnish singer/songwriter Kauko Royhka without asking permission. He didn't mind that, but he DID mind the wires I had constructed for the PA-system. Didn't work too well you see, and that's what they call a Bummer in English-speaking countries. But that's between me and Kake, and I think he forgot about it by now.

-Can you describe in one word each one of the other HIM members? DarkLord,Romania
-Burton did it so well I can just say "amen". Only one thing, when he said "deep" about me, he spelled it wrong. It's "Depp", because I look a bit like Johnny Depp Oh, and of Burton I'd say "calm".

-What is the song that you wish HIM would cover? Elwira Oliwa,Canada
-Oh I dunno about the covers..I liked playing "Mask" from Iggy and "Sail on" from Bad Brains the most, so maybe a fast track?! 

-How will you and the other guys celebrate Christmas?Nina,Germany
-we have this thing called "boxes"..like a medieval oven dish from vegetables. In them the spirit of Christmas comes to flesh.

-What's your opinion of Ville as a bass player?Lovemetalqueen,Finland
-Hmmm…I think he kinda lost his touch. Too much into guitar lately, bad bad influence. He's got a good timing, nice ideas but lame touch. He's hell of a drummer though. In top10 of the whole universe.

-What did you think about Ville when you saw him for the first time?
-His enjoyed reaction ah, he was like 9 years old when I saw him. What can you think about 9 year old kids?Apart from hurting them really bad, haw haw!!We started hangin around either when I borrowed some 80's gore films from him, or when he had learned some serious slap bass..can't remember. Anyway, I know it's not the coolest way to start a friendship but we got into some more creative things eventually. Like sitting by the river smoking pot.

-Ville said that you both are completely different. How does he mean it and in which way?Susann,Germany
-He meant what he said. We're about as different as human beings get. He's fast, I'm slow. He's tense, I'm relaxed. I'm lazy, he's resourceful. Might think this is bad, but notice: he likes to create, I like to interprete. He likes to stand in the front, I like to stand in the back. Or actually I'd rather sit down. I'm mambo, he's jambo..who gives a toss?! At the end we're all carved from the same sweet CACA. Details make a nice bar chat, but we should be above them at least when the semi-finals start on TV.

-If you had one wish free, what would you like to do?Georgina,Germany 
-I would like to be mr.Finland 2003.

-For a couple of years reality shows are having large audience. Would you like to take part in this kind of program? - Beata and Karolina, Poland
-Why not?! Ozzy did it so it can?t be totally bad..but then again he snuffed some icky ants and drank his own pee…but I STILL think making The Osbournes was the most enigmatic thing he ever did. People start to idolize singer of Black Sabbath the most after he takes his fuckin dog to a shrink on TV… 

-Why are you always barefoot?
-That's a good question..while playing it makes sense, since the low frequencies tickle your toes nicely. Otherwise I dunno. I guess I just want to appear as a dumb-ass hippie from the summer of 69. It's usually too hot or too cold for that hobby. But when the circumstances are right…yum yum!!Look at me!!Like I never heard of hepatitis C!!Brave and silly Mizee!!!!!!

-What's the best thing in being Finnish?Mariana,Sofia
-Tally ho, wave the flag!!I have to be anti-patriot and say salmiakki 

-How do you feel being referred to being stinky and not brushing your teeth by Ville in that book about your guys?Bennett,USA
-I feel deeply insulted and I'm hurting really bad inside. I think I'll just wither away and die…and come back as a vicious evil spirit from beyond, and make that little boy pay the bill!!!!!!And by God, my breath shall smell like TOMB, and the reek of GRAVE shall spread from my genitals!!!!!

-If HIM was invited to go to a gala and you had to wear a costume, what kind would you choose for yourself and the other guys?Jade
hu hu hu...i'd go for Adam's party dress, with just tiny tiny, silver-golden leaf(Dolce-Gabbana) protecting my precious places…whatta hell, same for the other studs(little secret: my leaf is tiny, but mr.Lipstick doesn't need leaf AT ALL)...got some video footage if he starts to deny!!

-Why are you a member of the Helsinki Wanker's club "Runkinkilta"? (Sabine,Germany)
-When I joined in, it was still nice and cozy little congregation of men. Now they got all big and sleazy..they?re selling fucking MERCHANDIZE!!! It was nice to have a group of people to share your masturbation experiences and tips with, but I have no intention to go braggin around with it.

-Do you believe in UFO?(Marinka, Moscow)
-I want to believe.

-If one day you woke up and discovered that over the night you've mysteriously changed into a woman, what would your do? -Andromeda(Andromeda)
-I would go all for the science: would go and hit on Gas Lipsticka, to find out if he really can do all the stuff he claims….second thought, I think I'd just stay home and watch TV.

-If you knew the exact time and day you were going to die, what would be the three last things you would do?(Dhani)
-Put up a bonfire, play some lute and chess, and hug my girl.

-Which question would you like to be asked to you?(Simona)
-Why? Please don't ask me to answer, because it's such a stupid question. 

-When you die what inscription would you like on your gravestone?(Maria,UK)
Hmmm…here lies poor mizee?!?!I don't know!!!I thought that at least this question I can leave for others to decide!!!

-Which ringtone you have on your mobile?(Zippy)
-Iggy Pop's "Mask", or sometimes "Sweet home Alabama" from Lynyrd Skynyrd..i'm pretty hectic with the Nokia profiles…but always when Gas calls, it's "Pervert Priest" from Mercy.

-If you would be able to be a child for a day again, what would you do then? (Jenni Maxie,Germany)
-Oh what a terrifying thought! I guess I would spend it being pissed off that it lasts only for a day.

-Would you rather go to a party abroad, or go to a party as a broad? (Tim)
-Well well well..my inglish bad..i can sense some funny twist in this question..thank God it's 50-50…of course if I had to go to a party, I would go AS A broad, you silly!!!! 

-What's the deal with your penis? You keep mentioning in interviews that you're not happy with it and you'd like a different one. Since you're not shy about showing it off and it doesn't look like there's anything wrong with it, what are you unhappy about??(David Zaslow,USA)
-OK..back on sofa...i think this urge to talk about my penis has something to do with my ego. From all the physical and mental flaws that I have, small penis has for some reason been the easiest to bear. So perhaps I choose to complain about my other flaws as well through this easy and humorous channel. If people would accept and embrace my wee pecker, then maybe they kinda except my other flaws as well. Like the third nipple I have on my back. I'm sorry, it's really hard to get serious about this!!I'm just kidding dear people…and if you think I'M overdoing it, go and check these guys out: www.puppetryofthepenis.com 48. 

-What was the craziest thing you ever did? (Rita Serra,Portugal)
-That's the scary part! I'm beginning to think I never did anything too crazy!!

-What is the very first thing from your childhood that you can remember?(Moa)
-Uhhh…please god don't let me say anything about dirty diapers now..maybe when I was in the wardrobe closet, turning lights on and off?

-What is the weirdest birthday present you've ever got? (Linda)
-All the presents have been very nice and neat..but some cards my friend sami has given dance on the edge of sanity, so to say.

-What do you do in your spare time? (Flo)
-Болтаюсь,пытаясь его убить.

-Hang around, trying to figure it out. 
-"Out in the chicken house",because chicken get what they deserve. 

-Which is your favorite movie scene?-Chicken heads swinging in the wind from that film. 

-Which is your favorite soundtrack?
-Indiana Jones: the temple of doom….i put it on when I go adventuring. 

-If you could play any character of any film ever made, who would it be?(Andromeda)
-I would like to be Sam, from Lord of the rings…he gets back home after all that shit in mordor.

-Which is your favorite book and why?(Kirpich,Moscow)
-I just loved "Name of the rose"…fra William, now there's a man for my taste!!!

-If you could have been anything besides a musician what would you be?(Tammi Bordelon)
-A gardener.

-Some months ago I happened to watch a video for a song from "SWEET DEVILS" (1996), the performer was Mige Paananen. What comments can you give? - Vixen(Vixen)
-Haw haw…and I thought I was the trend-setter..well, the name has always being a weak link in my character so no worries. 

-What do you admire the most in a woman?(Anda,Romania)
-The whole package…if you cut things to pieces, they die..so better not to know too well why you like something or someone.

-What is the weirdest thing a fan had brought you to sign an autograph on it?(Bug, San Fransisco)
-Nothing too weird I guess, since I can't remember.

-What places in Helsinki you can recommend to visit during the winter?(Sylvia,Poland)
-You might want to go to Kaivopuisto to ride some sleight.

-What's your favorite place in the whole world?(Ihni)
-I guess everybody needs a home.

-What have you done for a living except for the music?
-I've been collecting trolleys in a supermarket, working on building sites,on the road construction department, done some gardening in the department of parks and recreation..and been a telephone salesman for Kodin Kuvalehti, only job I ever walked out from on a lunch break..

-If you could change one thing in you, what would it be and why? (Maiju,Finland)
-I would like to take things easier.

-What was the best (non-HIM) concert you've ever been to?(Marianna)
-Rage Against Machine was great in Roskilde..Type o Negative in Tavastia, Helsinki, and of course Black Sabbath reunion gigs.

-What are your addictions? (Elina Auvinen)
-I guess calories in general, and maybe chewing tobacco.

-Did you imagine yourself doing something other than music? If yes, what?(Ligeria,Portugal,Maria Sofia Carvalho)
-Some nice outdoors work.

-What inspires you to choose the wearstyle?(Himlove)
-I see something interesting, and start wearing similar..sometimes I get ideas of my own, and then Madonna, or Lenny Kravitz rip me off..it's killing me.

-What's your favorite item of clothing?(Maria R.Z.,Denmark)
-I like horror movie t-shirts a lot.

-If you would have to describe yourself, what would you say?(Kiya,Germany)
-Nice, fatty, sometimes bad but means well, smoothly rockin Scandinavian teddy-bear…jesus, how low can a punk get?

-What is your life motto?(Juliana,Estonia)
-Try not to ask why, and take it the slow way.

Now to conclude, here is the Bernard Pivot questionnaire: 

-What's your favorite word?

-What's the word you hate?

-What's the sound you love?
-Sound of the earth (preferably rural, but urban will do for now).

-What's the noise you hate?
-Someone sharpening a knife.

-What turns you on?
-Naughty stuff.

-What turns you off?
-Naughty stuff. 

-What's your favorite curse word?

-Who would be the woman or the man you'd choose to illustrate a new bank note?
-I cant get rid of Burtons idea of Seppo, our manager..100 ¤ bill of course..i could be on a fiver. 

-What's the job you wouldn't have liked to have?

-What's the plant, the tree or the animal you would have liked to be reincarnated in?
-Some big tree…maybe an oak on a good location.

-Imagine God exists, what would you wish he would tell you after you died?
-Now you can relax, my son.

    Gas Q&A

    Our 3 questions also were asked to Gas!You will find them under nickname Manonia:) 
    -What inspired you to become a musician?
- My dad used to play the accordion and my mom used to sing when I was a kid. So we always had music in the house when I was growing up. I got my first Instruments (a small toy drum kit, a guitar and a small toy piano) in the age of 3 as Christmas presents. KISS was the band that really got me into music back in �77. I remember hanging out at my friend Harris place. He had a big brother who was in to heavy metal. And we went through his record collection and picked up a Kiss record called Destroyer. We thought that the cover looked really damn cool (the band standing on top of a mountain with the make-ups and all) so we got hooked in to that. We even played a KISS playback show (playing to a cassette) with Harri in the kinder garden, with the make-ups on. I remember me being Gene Simmons and Harri Paul Stanley. That made me realize that I wanted to be a musician.
    -What made you play the drums and when did you start?
- My dad used to play the accordion in a band (around�77). And I always went with him to the rehearsals. I really loved the sound of the drums and got interested in the instrument. I remember asking the drummer (during their cigarette break) if he would let me play his drum kit. And he was kind enough to let me do that (I feel really sorry for his ears J). So during the next practice I was counting seconds and waiting for the break. He later on became my first drum teacher.
    -Are there other instruments you can play?
- Yes indeed. I used to play guitar for many years, I even recorded one album with my old Thrash-metal band Dementia years ago. I did the vocals in that band as well (if you could call that singing, heh,heh). And I can play bass guitar too, but that is really not my strongest instrument.
    -Does the fact that you are left-handed have any effects on the way you play? - Sylvie 
- Yes I think so. Because I play with a right-handed setup, I have a more open style (compared to all right-handed guys who play with their hands crossed), if you know what I mean. I think that helps, because I don�t have anything hanging between my hi-hat hand and the snare, heh J. I think that I can hit them suckers a little bit harder this way. One strange fact about my style is that I �lead� with my right foot, except for double bass drum patterns I start with my left?!!!. It�s funny, but it works.
    -Who are your drumming inspirations and who is the greatest drummer in your opinion?
- Mr. Dave Lombardo (Slayer). When I first got into Slayer around �83, I was still playing both drums and guitar. But when I heard him play on Show no mercy. I went like � what the fuck is this guy doing? I�ve never experienced anything like this before� because he�d came up with something that was totally new and fresh at that time. So I started to concentrate more on drums, just to learn more.
    -Who are your top 5 drummers? - Slava, Moscow 
- A very good question, because there are so many great drummers around. But I have to mention some guys that have inspired me. But it�s hard to put them in a specific order (part from Mr. Lombardo J), so I won�t. 
- Dave Lombardo (he�s Good) a drummer with a unique style and a killer groove. All Thrash-, Speed-, Black-, and Death metal drummers have probably listened to this guy, at some point. And If you (drummer)don�t admit this, you are a liar!!!!!. I�ve met him a couple of times. And I have to say, that he�s a really nice guy, a true gentleman I�d say. 
- Gene Hoglan (Dark Angel, Death etc.) He�s one crazy motherf�.r One of the first really fast metal drummers. His style is so bizarre. It�s always a blast to listen to his recordings. And he�s an outstanding songwriter too. 
- Mickey Dee (King Diamond, Dokken, Motorhead) I was blown away when I heard him play with King Diamond. The drum parts he played on an album called �Them� are outstanding. You have to check that album out if you are a metal drummer! 
- Ian Paice (Deep Purple) just listen to any Purple album and you�ll know. 
- John Bonham (Led Zeppelin) Ville and Mige got me into this guy lately. I�ve never really realized how good he actually was, until now. He�s one of the greatest drummers of all time, and a big influence for many drummers, for sure. And he always had a killer drum sound. (R.I.P.) 
-Twist Twist Erkinharju (Peer Gunt, Leningrad Cowboys) I saw him play live for the first time with Gunt as a teenager. And I was totally blown away. I had to go to the rehearsal room (after the show) and beat the shit out of the skins. I felt I was such a shitty drummer, so I had to start practicing for real. He was the biggest influence in that sense, I guess. He�s like a bullet train, really solid. And you know, after years of practice I still get the same feeling when I watch him play live. It�s funny, I�m still not �worthy� J. He�s the best rock drummer in the world. 
- Anssi Nykanen (Nylon Beat, session drummer) I have a pretty much the same feeling for this guy as for Twist Twist. There is a saying among producers in Finland � usually a drummer is just playing what ever he�s capable of, but Anssi plays whatever he�s told to�. A brilliant all around drummer, with a super groove!
    -Who is your favorite musician? - Atanaska Cholakova 
- Gee, I wonder who that could be?J But as for guitar players, I have to say. Yngwie J. Malmsteen and Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple) I just love their sound. It�s amazing how these guys can make a note sing. Many of you wonder why Yngwie? It�s true that he�s playing too much at times. But his style is unique. He invented something totally new. I just love his slow solos, they are so beautiful. I also admire James Hetfield (Metallica) and Scott Ian (Anthrax/ S.O.D.) for their rhythm guitar work, they kick ass! But my # 1 guitar hero is Mr. Lazer. This guy is one louder!
    -How many extra drumsticks do you have and how many do you usually break during a gig? - Moa the Ander
- I break a lot sticks during shows, around 3-4 pairs. So I have to carry a big stock with me. The guys from Vic Firth Sticks are kind enough to provide me my sticks, so I�m lucky. They even print the Heartagram on them. It�s so nice of them J.
    -Do you use some electronic gear like ProTools during studio recordings or on live performances? Or just drum setup without any loops and plug-ins for processing and effects - Slava, Moskow
- For live situations we only use a basic setup. It�s just my kit and a set of Shure microphones. That�s it, no triggers or samples. In the studio we record the whole damn thing into a Pro Tools. It makes the whole process faster. Let�s say, if you�d make a mistake, but the rest of the track would be super great. You�d only have to redo that one small part to get an excellent take. Practical, isn�t it. Rather than the old way, when you would perhaps record for ages to get it done. Just to realize in the end, that you�ve lost something of that feeling and spirit you had in those first 2 takes.
    -Drummers are considered to be brainless musicians and their contributions to a band is not always appreciated, what are your thoughts about that? - Dimitra, Greece
- " Are they? Here in Finland it�s always the poor bass player who gets the honor of being the retard. We always tell jokes about bass players over here. So I guess I�m safe if I stay here in Suomi.J No seriously, let me put it this way. After all it�s the drums and bass that gives the rhythm to the music. And that in other hand makes your body and soul shake and dance to a song. (�Witch�) is nice, I think?
    -What have you decorated your drums with? - Manonia, Russia
- Mr. McFuck our drum tech is constantly decorating my drums with underwear that fans are throwing on stage during shows. That makes me wonder, because I�ve noticed his almost hysterical interest in bras and female clothing! Hmmmm?
    -Did you play in any other bands before HIM? What were they? - Razi, Hungary
- Yes in fact, I did. And to tell you the truth, I have lost count of them. But you can find a list of all recordings I did in the past on the Heartagram site under my bio. I formed my first band �79 with a cousin of mine Kari, and a guy called Harri Manty, who�s now with Sweden�s pop/rock heroes Kent. And after that I went through a lot of bands, playing hardcore punk and metal. Playing both guitar and drums. Until I met a bunch of guys in early 90�s to form Kyyria. The biggest band I�ve played in before I joined HIM.
    -What do you remember about your times with Kyyria? - Kristina Maschat
- Nice to hear, that someone actually knows the band. Well what can I say, I spent 7 years of my life in the band. And to my mind, it was the most taught full time of my early musical career. I learned a lot about writing and performing music those days. It was a period I had to go through to get to this point as a musician. I practiced a lot by my self those days. We wrote and recorded 3 great records. One in Hagen, Germany, one in San Francisco and one in good old Helsinki. And did a couple of small tours in Germany and Finland. In I would say in slightly smaller venues than we do now with HIM J. But it was great fun! And I have to say that the learning process still continues in this band. I�ve had the privilege to play with so many wonderful and talented musicians through out the years. Same goes for these fine gentlemen I�m honored to work and play with at the moment. I�ve been lucky!
    -Why is your name Gas Lipstick?
- That�s an old story. We had an idea about forming a Glam rock band (just for laughs)with the Kyyria lads. And at a party we came up with the most ridiculous artist names. And Gas Lipstick sounded so funny that I decided to use it on one Kyyria record. And some how I�ve ended up dragging that name along with me through all these years.
    -What music do you listen to? - Paranoyd, Budapest
- I think that my music taste is really bizarre. I�m into hardcore punk, metal, country etc. My record collection is quite strange. From Napalm Death to Garth Brooks?!! I love Garth. I�ve got 3of his records. Great music for a certain mood.
    -What's your favorite record and which is your favorite band? - Daniel Schuster
- My top 3 albums are Discharge: Hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing Discharge: Why? Slayer: Reign in blood Ones again, impossible to tell in witch order (it depends on the day)
    -I know you are a big Slayer fan and if you could cover any of their songs, which one would it be? - Eric, Toronto
- It�s funny you asked, because we played a Slayer cover show with my former band Dementia. With me singing and playing guitar. Man, that was a long time ago (around �92). I remember that we played 12-15 songs, including classics such as Die by the sword, The Antichrist, Chemical warfare, Hell awaits, Hardening of the arteries, Angel of death, South of heaven etc. To be honest I really don�t think that a Slayer cover would fit HIM, even if I would love to do one. But you�ll never know, maybe the guys agree to play Seasons in the abyss on my 40th birthday after party?
    -What are some songs that you can never get sick of? - Buddha Cognac, Canada
- All Slayer and Discharge song basically. I�ve have been listening to those songs for 20 years, and still can�t get enough.
    -If you could set up the setlist for a gig, which 3 songs would definitely be on it? - Heavenly
- Your sweet six, six, six Right here in my arms, Heartache every moment
    -What was the last album that you bought? - Daniela, Bulgaria 
- I think it was the Audioslave album, and that�s an excellent one.
    -What other band beside HIM would you play for? - DummeApe
- None, because I�m totally happy with the one I�m in. But if I were offered to do a Discharge tour during a break with HIM, I would consider it. Slayer no way, because Dave�s boots are too big to fill. And I wouldn�t be able to do most of their songs anyway technically. The fast double bass drum parts are too crazy.
    -If you had your own band. Who would you most like to be in it, and what instruments would they play? - Tim, Essex
- I�m writing songs for a project at the moment. And I�ve talked to some interesting musicians about it, and they seem to be excited. But I can�t give away anything yet.
    -Which Finnish bands do you like? - Lynda
- Amorphis, Impaled Nazarene, Children of Bodom, Stratovarius, Thunderstone, Sielun Veljet, Sentenced, Trio Niskalaukaus.....+ a lot of old hardcore punk Riistetyt, Kaaos, Kansan Uutiset, Mellakka, Poikkeustila, Takuu, Marionetti, Protesti, Bastards just to mention a few. But do you know Popeda?!!!
    -What are the side projects that you did? 
- At the moment I have 2 bands. Bendover: Ali (vocals/bass), Mehtis (guitar) and me on drums. The music is something close to Motorhead, �Wolverine blues� era Entombed and Pro-Pain. So it�s really heavy shit we are talking about. And if the music is heavy, so are the guys. There is a weight limit of 100 kg in the band. We are planning to record a 4-track CD in March. No release date confirmed yet, because we are still shopping for a record deal. We played a couple of really nice shows in January. The last one was 4 weeks ago, supporting Soulfly at Tavastia. I have to thank Max & co for having us.J The other one is a hardcore punk band called Aaritila. I formed that one with two of my old friends from my hometown Eskilstuna, Jallo (guitar) and Jocke (bass). The singer Lazze (Lateri) is a true legend in the punk scene worldwide. The singer of Riistetyt. It�s an honor to have him with us. Because I�ve been listening to that band ever since I was a kid (early 80�s). I even remember having pictures and posters of them hanging on my wall. It�s amazing to share a band with this guy. I would�ve never imagined this back then.J So far we�ve recorded an EP 7� (release date mid March) and an LP (CD and vinyl, release date late May).
    -What was the best gig you have ever seen? - Evi
- This is getting boring! Slayer, Solnahallen, Stockholm. That was back in 1990. The support acts weren�t bad either. Suicidal Tendencies, Testament and Megadeth. That was a classic show.
    -Did you ever write a song?
- Yes in fact, I used to be the main songwriter or at least one of them in all of those previous bands I was in. Wonder why we never made it?J HIM is my first band in witch I haven�t contributing anything on the song writing. Ville is a genius as a songwriter, so I feel that my ideas are not needed. His work is outstanding, far beyond anything I could ever imagine to write.
    -Have you ever tried to sing in a band? - Marianna
- Yes, like I told you earlier. But I don�t know if you really can call that singing? My dad always told me that I sounded like a wounded pig! So I guess that pretty much tells the story, doesn�t it.J
    -How did you get into the band HIM? - Razi, Hungary
- I got a phone call from Ville. He told me that they�ve parted ways with their drummer and needed someone to step in and do the remaining German tour dates. I thought that what the hell, why not. I didn�t have a band at the time, because we had split up with Kyyria a couple of months earlier. And I really loved their first album. It�s funny because I was thinking of moving abroad to Stockholm, London or L.A. in search for a band. Because all good bands over here already had a drummer. And I didn�t want to start it from the scratch again. Maybe this was Karma or not. But eventually I found myself on a flight to Germany a couple of months later. We played the shows and had a lot fun during the tour. I was really enjoying my self. I remember that at some point during the last show (10.04.99 Munchen, Backstage club) Ville announced the audience �We have a new drummer in the band, his name is Gas Lipstick� I went like �whaaat! You are kidding me! I couldn�t believe it. And here we are.
    -What is your favorite HIM song and which song do you enjoy most playing and why?
- That�s a tough one. It�s hard to pick one. It�s like if you�d have children of your own and you would have to pick the favorite, it�s impossible. But my favorite live song is Right here in my arms, because I get to do a drum solo in the middle part! No, just kidding. I really like the melodies and the energy in that one. But I can�t wait to get on the road to do the new songs, because there are some really killer live songs on the new record.
    -How was your first HIM gig? - Kirpich, Moscow 
- It was great. The show was in Dortmund, Germany. I remember that I went apeshit before the show, I was really nervous. But it went well, thank God.
    -Which gig did you enjoy the most and why? - Lynda 
- It must be the one at the Backstage club in Munchen �99. Because it was my first show in the band as a fulltime member, that was a special moment.
    -How would you describe the other band members? - Siri 
- I pretty much agree with Burton and Mige. I don�t have anything to ad.
    -Are the guys still doing tricks to your drums before the gigs? What has been the worst trick they�ve done? - Sipe 
- I�m not sure? They might drop a little golden shower on them ones in a while. But I wouldn�t know, would I?
    -What�s the wildest thing a fan has ever done to you or the band? - Erin, USA 
- The worst thing happened to Ville in Hamburg. He was enjoying his drink in the bar one night, and suddenly this crazy totally wasted Polish girl storms in with a pair of scissors in her hand. She cuts a piece of his hair and starts to laugh hysterically. I mean that was scary, anything could have happened. She�s a crazy stalker, who ought to be put inside somewhere and fast. For her own good.
    -What do you think of Ville as a drummer? - Lovemetalqueen, Finland 
- I think that he�s good. He�s got a good groove and he plays really tasty drum parts. Although I think that he could hit them suckers a little bit harder though.
    -How do you feel with the comments made from Mige about your penis? - Nick, USA 
- I don�t know what it is about Mige and his penis. He always talks about his penis (I mean, we are talking 20-1000000 times a day for crying out loud!). Maybe he�s got a problem with his salami. I�m fine with mine.
    -If you could change one thing about your band what would it be and why? - Tammi Bordelon 
- I would swap places with Ville. Because after all I�m the pretty boy in the band!
    -How do you spend your time on the tour bus? 
- I normally watch movies, listen to music and or play video games, that�s about it. Burton and Mige are into chess.
    -What do you feel about Synnin Viemaa, do you think the book covers up all the importance in the HIM history so far? - Amelia 
- Yes, I think so. I really believe that Synnin Viemaa is a good and honest biography of the band.
    -Who came up with the idea of making such a book? - Amelia 
- I don�t have a clue to be honest?
    -Was this written mostly to put an end on some speculation and explain some things, just because it is somehow better to have a book than some confuse interviews spread in numerous magazines? - Amelia 
- Yes, I believe that�s one of the reasons.
    -What do you see HIM doing in the next 5 years? - Mike, California 
- I truly hope that we are still alive and kicking.
    -Are you afraid of losing your mind because of success and fame? - Maiju, Finland 
- So far the only thing that I�ve lost is my long time ex-girlfriend. Bur part from that I think that I�ll be OK.
    -What is the meaning of love metal in your interpretation? - Dana, Latvia 
- To me those are just to words to describe our music style with. There�s no deeper meaning for me in there.
    -Do you play ice hockey or do you prefer to watch it on TV or in a stadium? - Clyde 
- Yes I do. We are teammates with Burton (Team Korak). It�s a rock�n roll team. All the players are musicians or roadcrew members. That�s just something we like to do for fun. We don�t even practice regularly, just a few times before a game. I like to watch hockey on TV whenever I�m at home. And I go to games with friends when possible. I�ve been over to America with a friend to watch games, in Pittsburgh, New York and Anaheim. That was an awesome trip.
    -When and where did you play it for the last time and what is your position in the team? - Slava, Moscow 
- We played a tournament in January and won the whole damn thing. That was really cool but tough (4 games during a day!). I play right defense and Burton right wing.
    -Which is your favorite hockey club? - Shamanka, Slovakia 
- In Finland it�s Tappara, Frolunda Indians (Vastra Frolunda) in Sweden and in the NHL Pittsburgh Penguins. I have a couple of friends playing over seas, so I kinda hold my thumbs up for them as well.
    -Who's your ice-hockey idol? 
- Number 66, Mario Lemieux.
    -What was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you? - Tina, Slovenia 
- Can�t remember to be honest.
    -What�s the very first thing you do when you wake up? - Romina, Croatia 
- I make coffee.
    -What�s the strangest thing you have ever bought? - Romina, Croatia 
- A remote controlled fart machine. I don�t know if that�s a strange thing but it�s for sure as hell funny.
    -What makes you smile at all times? - Ana Rita Pereira, Portugal 
- When I get to play drums, which is everything for me.
    -Who do you think you were in your previous life? - Valentine 
- The Count of Monte Cristo.
    -Tell us your weirdest dream. When was it and what it was about? - Nick, USA 
    -Who is your favorite character from history? - Ingrid, Estonia 
- Billy the Kid.
    -What would you bring with yourself to a desert island? If you could bring only just one person who would you take there? - Razi, Hungary 
- A pack of matches. A very dear friend of my. I met her last summer. She�s such a sweet and adorable person, a true angel walking on the face of earth. I�ve never met a girl with a heart big as hers. A perfect �10� woman.
    -If you'd find out that you'd die tomorrow, what would you do today? - Elina 
- I�d probably throw a party for my very best friends, so that I could thank them for everything and get wasted.
    -Did you make any promises for the year 2003? If so, what did you promise? - Maiju, Finland 
- No I didn�t, I�m afraid.
    -What's your favorite lie? - Lilian, Germany 
- I don�t lie, because that�s impolite.
    -What makes you angry? - Daniela, Bulgaria 
- If I wake up in the morning and find out that I�ve ran out of coffee milk.
    -Do you believe in destiny? Everything happens for a reason... - Joker 
- Yes I do, for sure.
    -If you could make one wish, what would it be? - Milena Gramatikova
- I�d end all wars.
    -With which animal do you identify yourself and why? - Sonja Koppler 
- The lonely wolf.
    -Where do you see yourself in 20 years? - BloodySoul 
- Hopefully playing music. I think that you can�t get away from it because it�s in your blood. It�s like a drug, you see.
    -How does a girl attract your attention? - Joker 
- With an adorable smile and a look that could melt all of the ice on the North Pole.
    -What is the best thing in a Finnish woman? - Tiia, Finland 
- I really don�t think that you can separate women by their nationalities. I think that all women are adorable no matter where they come from.
    -What is the first thing you notice in people? - BloodySoul 
- The eyes.
    -Who is your idol? 
- My dad.
    -What do you do in your spare time? 
- Watch movies and hang out with my friend, just the normal stuff.
    -Apart from being a drummer, do you have another profession? - Geo, Luxembourg 
- Yes I have, I used to be a construction worker.
    -What are the best three movies ever made? - Ingrid, Estonia Scarface, Godfather 1, Godfather 2 
    -What kind of books do you like to read and which are your favorite writers? - Poison 
- I normally don�t like to read books. I read a book perhaps ones a year.
    -What was the last book you read? 
- It was the new Motley Crue book
    -If you were to describe yourself as one of the �seitseman veljesta�, which one would you be? - Siri 
- Oh my god, I read that book in school 20 years ago. I don�t remember anything about these brothers, not even their names. I guess Timo then.
    -How would you describe your childhood? - Teresa Alexandra 
- I had a normal childhood. Living in a working class family. I was the only child. But would�ve liked to have a brother or a sister. I remember asking my parents if I could have one as a birthday present. But I never got one unfortunately.
    -When you were a child, who was your role model? 
- My old man. He taught me a lot about life.
    -How old were you when you moved from Sweden to Finland, and why did you do that? - Ihni 
- In the age of 13. My parents were originally from Finland. But they moved to Sweden in mid 60�s because of work (as many Finns did at that time). They met each other there and got married and got me. In early 80�s they wanted to move back to Finland and I had to follow. That�s basically the story.
    -Do you think in Swedish or in Finnish? Which one is your main language? - Julia, Finland 
- It depends on what language I�m speaking at the time. Now for instance while answering these questions, I think in English.
    -What place in Finland do you like the most? - Dona Vittu 
- Pello in Lapland, Finland. My parents have a summer cottage there. It�s near by a lake. That�s the place I go to when I need to relax, that�s my sanctuary.
    -What's your favorite way to travel? - Ihni 
- I like to travel by car. I always drive when I go up North to Pello.
    -Do you prefer to spend your holiday in Finland or abroad? - Manonia, Russia 
- Well it depends. If it�s summer time I definitely stay here, because Finland is really beautiful during that time of the year. But otherwise I head abroad.
    -What is the most interesting place that you have ever been to? - Atanaska Cholakova 
- The Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh (home arena of the Penguins). The Mecca.
    -What place of the world would you pick as your second home? - Ingrid, Estonia 
- My hometown Eskilstuna in Sweden. Where I was born.
    -Which is your favorite place (city/country) that you've been to? Why? - Maja, Croatia 
- I like New York. I really like the vibe of that city. But I�m not sure if I would love to live there permanently. But it�s a lovely city for traveling.
    -Do you cook? 
- Yes I do. I really like to cook, it�s very relaxing. I�m not excellent at it, but I�m learning more all the time. I�m trying out new recipes, just to explore. I normally cook Thai and Italian dishes at home.
    -What is your favorite kind of food? 
- I like Japanese, Thai, Indic and Italian food.
    -What is your favorite typical Finnish food? - Anais, Belgium 
- Lohikeitto (salmon soup). It�s a very traditional Finnish soup with potato, vegetables and poultry of milk or cream in it.
    -What is your diet? 
- I eat a little bit less and healthier and move a little bit more. And I quit all those Hamburgers, Pizzas, Potato chips, Popcorns and Cokes. I think that all these �quick� diets are crap. I think that the only way to do it is by changing your life style.
    -Which alcoholic drink would you suggest to an alcohol-loving Scandinavian like me? - Lucee, Denmark 
- Well, my favorites are Beer, Vodka, and Minttu viina (a Finnish Menthe Liquor).
    -Tell us about your tattoos. Do you plan to get new ones if so, where and what will they represent? 
- I�ve got 2 of them, one Heartagram on the outside of my left leg. And a Chinese sign (drum) on the inside of my left arm. I�m planning to ad another Chinese sign (love) on the inside of my right hand. Love/drum, you see. That is a very personal thing for me since I�ve been playing for almost 20 years.
    -What is the best way to relax? 
- To go to a Sauna (the old Finnish way)
    -What is the biggest challenge? - Ingrid, Estonia 
- To stay alive, as long as possible
    -Describe yourself in 3 words. - Korana 
- Kind, thoughtful and honest
    -Which has been the most unforgettable adventure or event in your life? - Dana, Latvia 
- I�ve been to Jakutsk, Siberia with my former punk band Valvontakomissio. We performed on a Peace & Love festival. That was really something special. Despite the fact that the local people are poor and modest and live under extremely heavy conditions (weather etc.), they enjoy their lives and seem to be in a total harmony with their selves. Really warm hearted and kind people. I think that I learned a lot from that trip.
    -What is your principle of life? - Manonia, Russia 
- Treat a person the way that you would like him/her to treat you
    The Pivot questionnaire:
    -What's your favorite word? 
- Ihana
    -What's the word you hate? 
- Tah?
    -What's the sound you love? 
- Mige�s fart
    -What's the noise you hate? 
- The sound of broken glass
    -What turns you on? 
- I refuse to tell you.
    -What turns you off? 
- Too much alcohol J
    -What's your favorite curse word? 
- Vittu.
    -Who would be the woman or the man you'd choose to illustrate a new bank note? 
- T.T. �Da Hobbbbit� Oksala.
    -What's the job you wouldn't have liked to have? 
- A Secretary.
    -What's the plant, the tree or the animal you would have liked to be reincarnated in? 
- A bird.
    -Imagine God exists, what would you wish he would tell you after you died? 
- Sorry bro, no vacancy. Come back next year!
  6. .


    Ville Valo interview @radiorock.fi translation november 5/9/2012

    Jussi: The ambassador of love, ville hermanni valo, what an honor.

    Ville: I thought it was you! The ambassador, I thought I’m your personal assistant when you have time for it.

    Jussi: Yeah but long time no see and this really is an honor. You haven’t really talked anywhere much.

    Ville: Yes, it’s an honor for me too, we haven’t seen in such a long time. You’ve been busy with your stuff and I’ve been busy with my stuff and that’s how it is sometimes; we can’t just hang out and talk shit, you got to work sometime too.

    Jussi: Right, right. You have 2 things you promote which are the dusty past…

    Ville: Come on! Dusty? *laughs*

    Jussi: Okay but let’s talk about the past. What’s different in your head now than let’s say before RR

    Ville: surprisingly I’m just as nervous about the promo and new album than back then and you know what happened with gas, so after a long break you kind of have to learn everything from the start again, I don’t have the smart one liners anymore, it’s not like it used to be

    Jussi: so it’s not a routine? You haven’t turned into a robot?

    Ville: unfortunately not *laughs*

    Jussi: so 8 months but gas is fine now right?

    Ville: yes and it’s also psychosomatic, think about it yourself, if your arms would break and you’d have to tell the guys to wait for you. it’s getting to you when the doctor says you have to wait and then wait some more and as a band we had to think why are we doing this, does it make any sense to do this and we decided that yes it makes sense to dot his

    Jussi: so that’s what’s different, you probably didn’t think those things back in RR era, everything was new and exciting

    Ville: yeah right, then we just went on and didn’t look back

    Ville: so I went to buy socks to some market and they played join me so it was a bit suspicious but…

    Jussi: I danced a horrible techno remix of join me in some club in Bratislava

    Ville: lovely, lovely. It was snowing and I looked outside and saw this girl talking to phone on my backyard, I asked what the hell are you doing here and she said I’m talking to you and I said no you’re not I’m here and I don’t have a phone in my hand

    Jussi: what else you do than play guitar and write songs, everyone’s interested, really, do you sit at some curtains closed and write your love songs, do you do anything else, is there life outside HIM

    ville: of course there is, I don’t know how to put this but HIM is my life, its involved in everything, you don’t have to take it off, it’s not like my day time job, you know when you do music its 24/7, but yeah I take baths and kiss and listen to rock

    Jussi: as a HIM fan I don’t remember any song that doesn’t tell about love

    Ville: well we had Kiss of Dawn, it’s kind of a love song but it really tells about a person who ended his life.

    Jussi: okay so 1 song

    Ville: of the 60 songs, but I feel like there’s no better subject to make a song that about relationships, it’s the only thing that moves, I’m not a fan of politic music or some violent horror music like cannibal corpse, its humour and its funny but I don’t want to spend my time writing songs about rotten corpses, it’s not interesting to me

    Jussi: now that were in the subject, have you had an inspiration to write love songs

    Ville: I don’t know what you want with that question but…

    Jussi: are you happy or are you wasting away (? don’t know if that’s the right word) or in what kind of feeling you have while you’re doing new songs

    Ville: I’m happily wasting away, I think that if you do music you got to have a conflict between you and something, if everything is really well you enjoy the situation, its important when you create something, you know when you’re miserable but there light at the end of the tunnel, it makes the drumming so much better

    Jussi: yeah you’re right, can you do songs when you’re happy or have you ever been happy? Has everything been easy for you?

    Ville: oh you ask so big things

    Jussi: but this is so rare when we can talk so let’s talk about this now and then we can talk about let’s say boobs

    Ville: like in Donald duck back in the day, the one who has luck and happiness should hide it(its a saying), but there’s happiness and then there’s satisfaction, they are different things, it’s not just one word that says it all, but you always want more whatever it is and you always find something you can be better in…This is tricky; you’re in a philosophical mood and tricky questions

    Jussi: *laughs* I’ve never heard anyone say that I’m philosophical

    Ville: well this is the first time


    jussi: back in business, full of energy, did you get stressed right away like oh fucking hell, record labels look at the promo schedules and now you should start touring and Seppo’s nagging that you haven’t been to Brazil yet…

    Ville:*laughs* have you spoken with Seppo? that sounded just like him, but yeah we’re doing a new album, it’s not completely finished, but isn’t the most important thing that we’re doing the album and if there are some promo stuff then that’s next week

    jussi: I was kind of mirroring myself here, when a new album comes out I’m excited about it and it feels great but at the same time you have a zillion emails and you’ll notice that the next free day is in December 2014 and then you’re like fucking hell I can’t do this

    Ville: we have exactly the same schedules, pdf files fly around. You have a record label but we don’t even have that yet, we make the album by ourselves and then see and then we see who likes it

    Jussi: so this is where we are now, you pay it for yourself, sounds exciting

    Ville: well you know what it’s like, lovely a&r’s (?) are lovely when they have good opinions and can help you but it’s not necessary I believe

    Jussi: in this room we have 2 persons who do music and only one thing separates us, only the other one has written a song called Join me and a few others so the negotiations with the a&r got to be not at all stressful, I don’t think they will come to you and tell you how to make a hit

    Ville: I don’t like fighting at all, if someone comes to tell me how I should do things i’ll look his credits and think about how much value it has

    Jussi: has anyone told you in let’s say during the last 10 years?

    Ville: yeah sure but they are opinions and you can take some inspiration to yourself of it, Asko Kallonen is a good example, we’re close and sometimes almost fighting, but asko is a good guy cause he’s always honest about how he feels so you can’t really blame him for it, you can only say that asko I don’t want to do this teddy bear so go home and don’t talk to me anymore *laughs*

    Jussi: yeah asko has a passion for music or then he lies and acts very well but I believe…

    Ville: asko is lovely and I’ve been in contact with many foreigners and if you have constructive critic it’s never a bad thing, if there are 5000 words that are bullshit and a few good lines then take the good ones and use it to make things better, the band and the producer don’t necessary see the bad things when they do an album for a long time and only see the one way how to do it, then it’s a good if an outsider comments it, girlfriends haven’t given negative comments though

    Jussi:*laughs* not from girlfriends! I know some girls who like this next song and if you ask me I don’t remember if anyone has ever written a more beautiful love song than this, HIM-bury me deep inside your heart

    Jussi: …there a dusty XX in the markets now but let’s talk about the new one

    Ville:*laughs* I’m so hurt

    Jussi: oh don’t…I dared to say it, this time it’s easy for you to answer to the question if this is the best album cause isn’t this the best of or what is this…

    Ville: it’s the best example of the things we’ve done so far and an introduction to where we are going

    Jussi: I was asking about that, for me the most different albums from each other are Venus doom and Screamworks

    ville: okay I see your point there, Venus doom was very organic and it had long things, Sabbath and 70’s stuff and Screamworks was more to the point, but in the end if you listen to the songs next to each other they have the same core in them, the melancholic thing and the voice doesn’t change and Linde’s guitars don’t change, the personality comes through anyway, the sound of the band that has been there from the start

    Jussi: HIM has always sounded like HIM

    Ville: and that’s good

    Jussi: well…

    Ville: yeah well *laughs* we have tried other stuff too

    Jussi: I was just going to add that nowadays there are many bands that almost sound like HIM, is it an honor or does it ever piss you off, I remember few years ago Bam had googled some band (sorry I don’t get the name, its Italian?) And you were watching it over Bams shoulder and asked “is that me?”

    Ville: is it the Italian band?

    Jussi: the singer is Italian, who looks like ville valo more than you and sometimes sounds more like ville than you

    Ville: okay good then we can soon have 3 HIMs touring at the same time, but it’s kind of a good question, it’s a passion without you can’t live, some people do music for the music, some for the money, some for the mathematics of it, but if it’s the only way you can breathe things like that don’t interest you, it’s nice if you can inspire others but it doesn’t take anything away of you and you always have to remember to admire Sabbath, type o negative…they are really important to us and we grew up with them, you had more the glittery stuff, but you know what I mean

    Jussi: is that still your answer if I ask what music inspires you in 2012? Do you listen to Sabbath every week at home? I don’t believe it, what’s the latest thing you’ve been excited about?

    Ville: usually I listen to melodic music, in the spring when we started to do music I listened a lot of electronic music, I listened to Huoratron, the latest album which is wonderful, not very melancholic though, then I’m excited about a band from Canada called the Grimes, a young girl who does…I don’t know what to call it, it’s kind of like electro pop but really artistic and weird and then I like a band called (sorry didn’t get the name) from new York but they hang a lot in Berlin, there’s a girl who has a great voice, grace jones vibe in it and then there’s a guy with a synthesizer on stage, the album is fantastic, I usually try to listen to stuff that’s different, Sabbath doesn’t disappear anywhere, it has left its mark and I can’t get rid of it, I don’t have to listen to it all the time
    Jussi: at night when you go home play paranoid


    Jussi: you always talk about books, about ug stuff and about art, no matter if its Tuomari Nurmios music or Mukkas books and then you add to the same sentence that you want to do a Slippery when wet –type album that sells zillions. You can’t get away with liking both of that stuff at the same time

    Ville: now you got the point of everything, you found my strategy *laughs*

    Jussi: I haven’t read Mukkas books

    Ville: I haven’t read them all either, you know it’s about what you get inspired by, what makes you see the world in a different way, to see some color in a new way, I love color codes and the names of colors and the world is full of stuff you can learn. It’s not about trying to be very smart, it’s about keeping your eyes and ears open, I can’t say I know everything about everything but I know pretty much of some things

    Jussi: I wanted to talk about this cause usually artistically well made and done can’t sell well and be commercial at the same time, at least that’s what critics say, shortly said, everything that sells is shit. Is it important to you that the album sells and makes people go crazy, it must matter right?

    Ville: it has two sides, like Anderson (Andrew? sorry didn’t get the name again) said its more important that the album touches deeply a few people than a lot of people in a shallow way, that’s a good excuse

    Jussi: that’s a good line to quote at interviews

    Ville: yeah like I just did, but I believe that after we’ve done a song and recorded it, we can’t know what’s going to happen with it, we try our best and. you rather play to 10 000 people than to one person, we’re both rockers and its part of what we grew up with, it’s an important piece of it all, and the better it goes the better it is. but then you come to the point when it is time to make compromises, if you start to think you got to wear pink sneakers to sell 50 records more, if you start to play that game it’s a never ending road, no-one has answers to that system, it’s just better to trust to your own intuition and just go on

    Jussi: well you’ve done this for 20 years so I don’t think anyone can say that the pink sneakers are in your CV

    Ville: if I’d put on pink sneakers now, what would happen?

    Jussi: I want to tell this before I ask your experience. During the last month I was in Greece in a 5 star bath-hotel and I was the only customer at the bar and every night they played Summer Wine

    Ville: Is it the place with a really great terrace?

    Jussi: no it was santorini (?) holiday island

    Ville: okay I thought if it’s the same place with the owner I know

    Jussi: okay well it wasn’t


    Jussi: summer wine was played there and last week I was in New Orleans penthouse club where strippers do what they do

    Ville: when have you been to New Orleans?

    Jussi: last week

    Ville: lovely, I really miss that place it’s so great

    Jussi: well anyway, hip-hop was playing load and girls take their clothes off and then dj plays Wicked Game, I thought that’s an achievement, isn’t it? It’s great and your wicked game of course

    Ville: it would have been achievement if it was the original too *laughs*

    Jussi: when was the last time you’ve been to some place and heard HIM and thought wow?

    Ville: uhmmm last night, I got a few mixes from Tim Palmer from the new songs

    Jussi: so on your laptop

    Ville: huh?

    Jussi: sorry, go on

    Ville: I listened to them and it was like wow, I haven’t had those goose bumps, tears in eyes, yes! feelings, it’s so great after all the hassle that something like that happens, but we’ve had all crazy stuff, like the summer wine you mentioned, it was a surprise, nobody knew it was going to be anything, and it’s not HIM, I just went to sing a song in Hamburg, if I remember right it was my idea to pick that song, I thought it’s a good song, let’s do that and after that a few German people have taken credits about it but I don’t care, but anyway. You go to buy socks and then they play Join me, its suspicious

    Jussi: I’ve also danced a really bad techno remix about join me in some club in Bratislava

    Ville: lovely, lovely

    Jussi:*mimics join me*

    Ville: yeah I’ve heard a couple of those, it’s kind of cool, and it’s like here in Finland and in Germany its join me and then we’ve had the luck that for example in US its rip out the wings of a butterfly and then buried alive by love in UK, we’re really lucky that different songs have succeeded in different places. Of course you think about if you got to go to the piano again *laughs*

    Jussi: but that’s great, different welcome in different places. Can you compare countries and let’s say media? do they ask anywhere else than in Finland about how much you earn, how much you pay taxes and who’s your girlfriend

    Ville: well actually nobody has asked and my girlfriend is hurt that no-one has asked about her

    Jussi: don’t lie *laughs*

    Ville: they haven’t, people are being really correct, it’s been a long time so maybe people have realized that my own things are my own and music is music and that’s difficult but no, no differences between countries, let’s say some German publications can be a bit more vulgar than others, like you know, but that goes with the territory

    Jussi:*plays Wicked game*


    Jussi: Now that we talk about by-products (not sure if that’s the right word for it), your life is fantastic, great, glamorous and a story of success and everything is wonderful. What do you think when you wake up in the morning to take a piss, you hear rustling in the corners of your house and someone is filming you from the mailbox to put the video on youtube? How the hell do you do it?

    Ville: I’ll shout at them that they have a wrong address, Jussi is living that way. *laughs*

    Jussi: But isn’t that just freaky? Those people are your fans, so what can you say here to those people who love you and to those few ones who have flipped and are standing on your yard?

    Ville: You know if someone has flipped they usually don’t understand that themselves. It isn’t nice that people come to break your privacy and you got to call to the police and they break your windows and stuff like that that has happened. It’s not nice but you got to remember that the people who do that kind of stuff aren’t healthy in their soul or mind or however you want to put it. It’s hard to bully someone or be mean to someone who doesn’t understand that everything isn’t okay. And who am I to say that “everything isn’t okay with you” to someone. But it hasn’t been that bad, I can take care of myself, I’m not that small even though I’m a stick like this. But bullying the girlfriends, that people come to tell that they know this and that, I think that’s not nice, it’s not necessary. If we do music it’s nice to have your own home and own peace and possibly own lover, isn’t it your own thing.

    Jussi: Right, right.

    Ville: It’s like if you sleep with someone then all of a sudden your music is shit, it’s kind of suspicious, like your band sounded so much better before I knew you’ve slept with her, you know, like these absurd things that make no sense at all.

    Jussi: But it gets to different dimensions with you. I’ve asked you as a friend 10 years ago, when I was really confused when one freak was going a bit nuts, and you have them half of the world, in every corner. If I can tell to the listeners… the first time I went to your house 10 years ago, all your windows were covered in black plastic bags because your neighbours were zooming you with their binoculars, the next home, the housing cooperative saw the fire escape ladders off so that people couldn’t climb up and now you live in a fucking castle. *laughs*

    Ville: It’s a tower.

    Jussi: But you’re handling it quite well, don’t you ever have a feeling like this is enough and I’m done with this shit?

    Ville: I’m done with what?

    Jussi: that you’re done with these kind of things, that people come to watch you with binoculars from your mail box. Ville: If you think about the good things that come from this, the libra goes to that end that you want to keep on doing it.

    Jussi: okay.

    Ville: One thing was really unpleasant; I think it was a year ago, someone, I don’t know who, I don’t do this facebook thing myself or any social media, but someone had convinced himself to be me so well, That one from South America, one from South Africa, couple of girls from East Europe… everyone came to my home door to knock and tell me that we have a relationship. I was thinking that okay one person, something is wrong but then the same things happened over and over. One time during the winter, I went outside and there was a lot of snow and I was thinking who the hell is on my yard with a flashlight, it was a girl who was talking to her cell, I was like “what the fuck are you doing here?” The girl said she’s talking with me on the phone. I said “You’re not talking with me, as you can see I don’t have a phone with me.” So there was someone who claimed to be me and told them that it would be romantic if you’d come to my house at 3 am and climb over the back door or something. And the thing is, the ladies don’t piss me off at all, I just think it’s really mean that someone can take advantage of people like that, play with their feelings or how you want to put it. That was one of the weirdest things, the facebook something I don’t know, it was just too bad. And I thought the girls were really great, it took me some time and I met some of them to explain I haven’t wrote them anything cause I’m not on facebook, they didn’t believe me at first and started to cry and got mad and went off. Then three of them… one of them started to tell me that I’ve sent her this and this email and I was like okay, but I don’t know anything about this and I’m really sorry… but yeah it was pretty bad.

    Jussi: Plus that these people have spared half of their year’s salary to get to Finland.
    Ville: and the point is, those people seemed to be very lovely, the girls were really cute, it just hurt me to see that someone had fooled them like that and they didn’t understand it themselves. I just said that unfortunately it’s not true and I can’t do anything about it, you know, all kind of nonsense like that.


    Jussi: The world has changed a lot after you started your career. There wasn’t any social media…

    Ville: Look at you then!

    Jussi: Try not to talk about me here okay? Me, myself and I, welcome to the Jussi show… Okay but when you did your first interviews you were on the cover of a magazine and then people waited for a month for the next magazine, right? There wasn’t any internet when greatest love songs came out.

    Ville: Yeah and when you think about yourself too, when we started, we recorded our first things on tape, there wasn’t any pro tools or web or even cell phones, remember that. I remember when I lived in pietarinkatu back in the day, I got my first cheap Siemens cell phone, think it was ‘98. Things have changed a lot after that

    Jussi: As a music fan, do you think it’s great to follow what e.g. Black Sabbath is doing, like read their updates every day.

    Ville: No, I’m pretty much against all that myself.

    Jussi: Yeah, I’m with you there.

    Ville: I’d rather have this pigeon thing, like write something on a paper and attach it to their leg and fly them off to somewhere.

    Jussi: There’s no magic in being a rock star anymore.

    Ville: If think about making an album, it takes away the mystique. When everything is there for everyone all the time, it’s not interesting anymore. I have never liked all these… what we talked about, like twitter and stuff. They work fantastic if you want to have a connection with your old school mates that you last saw 20 years ago, I’ve understood it’s a brilliant way to do that but no, it’s not my cup of tea.

    Jussi: Here are talking the old uncles, Valo and 69. *laughs*

    Ville: Yeah, yeah. *laughs too*

    Jussi: But I think record labels and thankful and glad about it.

    Ville: But you got to remember, it’s the over saturation. The places in the record company are very windy (people come and go) and everyone is in a hurry to get results fast. What also means nobody has time to wait for stuff or make stuff better, then it gets to that, we got to do that and we got to get this out now. I think those things are in conflict, let the record label people think what they want.


    Jussi: I’ve played HIM pretty much like I’ve promised; I have picked the songs myself, sometimes Ville. Let’s put Ville in a bad place and see what he wants to play himself

    Jussi: XX… what’s the song of all you’ve ever done you’re most proud of today?

    Ville: Fucking hell what a question, I’m going to meet the guys and play them the new song from the new album Tears on tape, it’s the song I’m most pleased with today, unfortunately it’s not on the best of album, its out next year. But like you know it’s not about songs, it’s about the time you’ve been living, who you’ve met, who you’ve been hanging out with, have you performed the song somewhere or made a video of it that has just stayed in your memory. I like the song Gone with the sin, it’s a nice song

    Jussi: what time did we live back then? Then was soda, Freda and Hamburg, those are the things that come to my mind first

    Ville: it was a big hassle back then but that’s alright, if you think about the song Gone with the sin, we were young and nobody knew where should be, but we did a fucking great video where I walk through old English graveyards, I love the nature in England, they have different kind of trees than here

    Jussi: for the listeners, you can watch the video to see to who’s tomb ville brings flowers

    Ville: that too *laughs*

    Jussi: we’ll keep this as a secret and you can go watch it from YouTube, let’s play Gone with the sin, great song and great choice

    Jussi: I just opened my own facebook, just after we dissed the social media, the question what you want to ask from ville

    Ville: you didn’t diss it and I don’t diss it, I’m just saying it’s not a place for me cause it’s not for what I want to do

    Jussi: right, your fans ask a lot, maybe cause it’s my facebook, that when are we going to do a tour together, Russians ask it and Brazilians ask it

    Ville: so when we do a tour together

    Jussi: triple X, so you haven’t been to Brazil

    Ville: not yet, have you?

    jussi: yeah we have, (ville: yeaaah) we got there with a help from others cause we did the tour with the scorpions and the nightwish, (ville: alright, alright) the crowd was a bit bigger than what it would have been if it was just our band, (ville: ok, ok) in sao paolo 128,000 people, (ville: lovely) it was awesome, it was a few years ago. You would love it in Rio

    Ville: I’ve heard a lot of good about the place, Mexico city is the closest place to Brazil we’ve been to, but we haven’t had the time, you know when it’s really busy you just don’t make it, I also believe that if you do less touring its better than if you do so much that the band get tired

    Jussi: that’s a good point

    Ville: many don’t realize it; they keep on going until they burn out. And if you tour too much… if people see you 3 times in a year they get tired, you can’t renew yourself that fast

    Jussi: let’s go to America together then

    Ville: hell, let’s go on tour to (can’t hear the country), but touring is nice. And one thing would be nice if we would get an opportunity, when have you been to east neighbour last time?

    Jussi: can’t remember what was the last time

    Ville: there are many places, we could go to Minsk and all the way to Vladivostok, it would be cool to go there together

    Jussi: Have you always had a good time when you’ve been visiting our east neighbor?

    Ville: I’ve had good time or too good time *laughs* I’ve had a good feeling when I’ve been there

    Jussi: We’re going there soon, let’s go there together, there are many from there… to the listeners just so you know, in a few hours I have 10cm pile of A4 papers of questions for you ville, most of them are asking when are you coming here, quit smoking and what type of chocolate you like. Do you still smoke?

    Ville: yeah I smoke, I have quit many times, then I started again then I smoke little less or little more, it’s okay at the moment, I’ve been growing up with James dean so that’s where the cancer rolls come from, but no it’s not good to smoke and about chocolate I don’t know I don’t eat chocolate…anymore

    Jussi: anymore?

    Ville: I was a complete chocolate freak back then when I quit smoking

    Jussi: now that we still play the old music…

    Ville: dusty

    Jussi: yeah, when the new album will be out and when will you tour?

    ville: I hope that everything goes so well that…the album is called Tears on tape, we are working on the cover art at the moment, we start mixing at the end of November, mastering in the middle of December and the whole show is done before new year which means that then we try to find some label that suits us and cares about us enough and hopefully we get the album out in Feb.-march latest in April

    Jussi: that’s fucking fast, or I don’t know when you started…

    Ville: year -76

    Jussi:-76, since 76, and helldone, how many days? Four days?

    Ville: four days

    Jussi: who else is there or is it a secret?

    Ville: No there will be Face of god, our neighbor from the rehearsal place, then there’s Final Assault, skate-hardcore-punk type of thing, familiar stuff too and then there’s Jericho Fuzz and Sleep of Monsters with Pätkä, aka (something?) aka SOM, they are coming there..If I remember right in the eve of new years, it’s a good variation of everything; it’s nice to be at the backstage when there are familiar faces and talks

    Jussi: sounds very much like Helldone

    Ville: let’s hope for the best

    Jussi: we are waiting for that and like I said it was an honour to get you here as a guest

    Ville: No, no thank you yourself, this is cool but…oh well

    Jussi: oh well?

    Ville: lets gossip without the microphones at some point, this was fantastic (not sure if its ville but) *claps hands*

    Jussi: thanks, thanks; this is jussi 69 and ville turned up at some points too


    Jussi: Bye Bye!
  7. .


    Ville while singing The Last Days of Darkness

    In the interlude of Your Sweet 666, during the Hamburg 2003 live performance, which you can download in our collection here. Ville sings some misterious lines:



    These are the last days of darkness
    You can read it in the prophecy
    If you look around you will know what is happening
    It just repeats and thats history
    Now it's time
    Time is here
    That's what time it is
    The time is now
    That's what it is...

    And after he says…

    I'm pretty sure you don't know about it

    After some research, these lines seems to be a Ville's creation. These lines do not belong to any book, poem or whatsoever. Also Ville helps us by saying that he's sure that we don't know about it, so it is probably his creation.
    The simplicity of the composition of these lines, reminds us of an possible pre-Greatest Lovesongs Vol.666 Era, and this might means that this is a piece of lyrics from a song of the HIM's Holy Grail: the unreleased demo Witches and Other Night Fears which the only, priceless, copy is owned by Ville Valo himself.
  8. .
    Ville Valo 15 Years Old Playing Bass Guitar Live In Donits Osmo Experience in 1992


  9. .
    CITAZIONE (papousek @ 11/4/2014, 12:45) 
    fantastico...l'ho visto una volta e l'atmosfera di quei tempi era magica!

    e poi deep è il mio top album

    Added HIM - Live In Hamburg 2003!
  10. .
    CITAZIONE (papousek @ 11/4/2014, 12:41) 
    il punto ora è:

    innamorato -> felice -> nuovo album (magari non tanto cupo)

    caso in cui vada male -> infelice -> nuovo album (cupo data la situazione)

    in ogni caso ne verra fuori qualcosa di grande!! :)

    scherzi a parte, auguri alla coppia!!!!

    Il problema è che anche Tears On Tape lo ha scritto da fidanzato, in quanto stanno insieme dal 2011-12 circa… Chissà! Di solito si sono sempre alternati con un album pesante e uno leggero… Il prossimo dovrebbe essere leggero :D
  11. .






    Edited by Baudelaire In Braille - 11/4/2014, 12:30
  12. .
    The Greatest HIM Live Shows Collection [Download]

    Some great HIM live shows are getting lost, many HIM fansites that were collecting and organizing those videos are disappearing, YouTube time to time deletes those videos for some reasons, so the more the years pass by, the more is difficult to enjoy a great past HIM performance.

    So we have decided to collect here on HIMI the greatest HIM live shows (not amateur recordings), so when you need it, you'll find it here. I will start with one show, and time to time I'll add more shows thanks to your suggestions here or on the Facebook/Twitter pages. Let's start!


    Title: HIM - Live @ Rock Am Ring 2001
    Year: 2001
    Location: Nürburg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
    Era: Deep Shadows And Brilliant Highlight Era
    Resolution: 640 x 360
    Codecs: H.264, AAC
    Duration: 01:05:12
    Audio Channels: 2
    Total bitrate: 672
    Size: 330 MB on disk
    Download: www.filedropper.com/him-liverockamr...fullperformance


    Title: HIM - Live In Hamburg 2003
    Year: 2003 (
    Location: Große Freiheit, Hamburg, Germany
    Era: Love Metal Era
    Resolution: 960 × 720
    Codecs: H.264, AAC
    Duration: 01:23:27
    Audio Channels: 2
    Total bitrate: 1,957
    Size: 1.23 GB on disk
    Download: www.filedropper.com/him-hamburg2003livefullconcert

    Edited by Baudelaire In Braille - 12/4/2014, 21:45
  13. .
    Aggiornata la bio.
  14. .
  15. .
    2011 The two are unofficially a couple.


    March 2012 HIMI publishes on the web the first photos of the couple after the Seiska article: https://hisinfernalmajestyitaly.forumfree.it/?t=60497011


    May 2012 Sandra Changes her address to the Ville's one on the 25th of may (in the photo: Sandra on the rooftop of Ville's home) https://hisinfernalmajestyitaly.forumfree.it/?t=61887145


    June 2012 A Sandra close friend, Daisey, prepares for the two a cake. That symbolizes the engagement and move of Sandra into the new home: the Ville Valo's castle https://hisinfernalmajestyitaly.forumfree.it/?t=66877318


    April 2014 The website HIMI (His Infernal Majesty Italy) confirms the official engagement of the couple and wishes the two a life full of love and prosperity https://hisinfernalmajestyitaly.forumfree.it/?t=68542978

    Edited by Baudelaire In Braille - 9/4/2014, 15:02
5322 replies since 8/12/2008