Iltalehti July 2013 Interview with Ville - Ville Valo talks about illness

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    E-cigarette sits in Ville Valo's pocket and hs laughter is sensitive. For all its worth the HIM singer was in a good mood, even though the man was seriously ill at the beginning of May, just after the new Tears on Tape album release and before the first concert of the U.S. tour which had to be canceled.

    - The doc said it was pneumonia, which came to an asthma exacerbation. In addition the lungs were clogged and I was wheezing. It was difficult to breathe, Valo says.
    The same happened in the past

    Valo has been the same once before, seven years ago.

    - We are a band that rarely cancel gigs, but you never know if you slip even on the stairs. Cancellation of the tour is painful.

    Valo's doctor ordered him bed rest for six days and antibiotics.
    - I was laying quietly in the States, because the doctor did not recommend flying.

    Valo says he reduced his smoking.
    - These days I smoke maybe 7 smokes a day. Asthma is also affecting many other things, such as what to eat, how to exercise and so on. Everything is impossible to calculate, long asthma sufferer explains and playfully makes asthma joke.

    The home crowd makes one nervous.
    Valo says tonight's gig is very exciting now that the band will come in front of the home crowd.
    - Ruisrock is an important and a big festival, and we have not played in Finland for a long time.

    Tonight to support Ville and the band came his girlfriend Sandra, who travels with Ville to fair amount of gigs.
    - Despite the rumors we are not engaged to be married, even though we have of course been around for a long time together. Sandra travels with me to some extent, but she also has a life of her own. She is none like my pet, Valo takes a sip of his Coke and smiles.

    Thanks to Team Heartagram!!! for the translation
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